
03a. Braishis (בראשית ברא) 5713 – Class 1

Class One. Olom, Shana, Nefesh. This design is meant to create a relationship with Hashem which connects and at the same time keeps us apart so as not to destroy us. 1) In the Neshama and Guf 2) Koach HaAtzmus and Gashmiyus 3) In Ahavas Hashem and Kiyum HaMitzvos practically.  

08b. Hayosheves Baganim… Brach Licha…(היושבת בגנים) 5713 (Muga) – Class 2

Class Two. The chidush of this Maamar: Giluyim is a Keli for Atzmus since giluyim (especially Mimalei) was effected most by Tzimtzum HaRishon. And at the point of Tzimtzum HaRishon, there was the removal of all Giluyim that revealed Atzmus mamosh to empower Mimalei to receive and unify Giluyim with Atzmus.

08a. Hayosheves Baganim… Brach Licha…(היושבת בגנים) 5713 (Muga) – Class 1

Class One. Ch. 2-3 of the Maamar. What all opinions agree about the differences between Mimalei’s Ohr and Sovev’s Ohr. 1) Hischalkus, 2) [Bekia,] the Dveikus is not mamosh davuk, 3) Keilim from Reshimu through complete Siluk in first Tzimtzum, 4) Sovev was only touched by the Tzimtzum etc.  

06b. Pada Bishalom (פדה בשלום) 5713 – Class 2

Class Two. The unfinished part of Pada BiShalom. Even in Golus there can be Giluy Elokus, but not through Mimalei and Korbonos but in Sovev (Atzmus) and Teshuva and higher Tefilla GaMaCh and Torah.

04b. Omeid Aleihem (והוא עומד עליהם) 5713 – Class 2

Class Two. The ideas of Birurim and achilas Adam is like: 1) Eating Shabbos vs. the weekdays, 2) Tzadikim vs. Beinonim etc., 3) Neshamos and Malachim. On this basis he explains VeHu (Avrohom, Adam) standing over malachim and raising them to the level of Achilas Adam.

04a. Omeid Aleihem (והוא עומד עליהם) 5713 – Class 1

Class One. Vehu Omeid Aleihem, In this Maamar Tohu and Tikun (both) are only Giluyim. Atzmus is Adam (Z”A) . Explanation.  

03b. Braishis (בראשית ברא) 5713 – Class 2

Class Two. Creation which is Olom, Shana, Nefesh is a Metziyus and is connected to Tohu, Misa and Rucho Shel Moshiach. To be MeVatel Murgash.

01b. Hayom HaRas Olom (היום הרת עולם) 5713 – Class 2

Class Two. Rosh Hashana we reach Techillas Maasecha (and higher). This manifests in the idea of Is’hapcha that is higher than Is’kafia. The Rebbe explains two levels in Is’hapcha: A. Where the darkness is replaced by light, B. Where the darkness itself shines. This latter idea is the true uniqueness of Rosh Hashana.

01a. Hayom HaRas Olom (היום הרת עולם) 5713 – Class 1

Class One. Maamar Hayom Haras Olom 5713 part one. Maase is the end of lifnei haTzimtzum and Machshava means Atzilus. All year only Sof Maase [Kav] comes into Atzilus, on Rosh Hashana Techilas Maasecha [Ohr Lifnei HaTzimtzum that is the mekor for Olomos and higher] also comes down until Asiya. Machshava is Atzilus [explanation: Koach…

23b. Ani Lidodi (אני לדודי) 5712 – Class 2

Class Two. The second class on this wonderful Ma’amar explains why Davening alone is not enough. There must be balance between Torah and Tefilla. The Rebbe explains that this has everything to do with the balance between the Neshama and the Guf, where each must do the other’s nature: the Neshama must attempt to descend…