Achdus 101
This is the first of two classes on the idea of עושה שלום במרומיו and how they are different by מלאכים (that are polar creations) and נשמות (that are balanced creations). This is found in Tanya in אגרת הקודש letters 12-13 Hiskalelus from the top vs. Hiskalelus from the bottom It seems that the Rebbe…
Achdus 100
Lecture on Hiskalelus- Kabbalah in one word: Elokus. Kabbalah in two words: Meod (simple infinite,) and Adam (complex and ordered infinity). The second idea is infinite, not in its enormity, but in its order. Two levels of Hiskalelus: A. In Tikun itself, like Tiferes which unifies Chesed and Gevura. B. In the joining of Tohu…
18. Megila Nikrais
1) Most Mitzvos aren’t person specific (לא נתת דבריך לשיעורים) except Tzedaka and Torah and… Purim! it has different days for different people, as few as two days and as many as five days, why? 2) The answer: the Megilla is calling שמותיו של הקב”ה like קריאת התורה which calls to Hashem כאדם הקורא לחבירו…
Megila Nikraas 5739
1) Most Mitzvos aren’t person specific (לא נתת דבריך לשיעורים) except Tzedaka and Torah and… Purim! it has different days for different people, as few as two days and as many as five days, why? 2) The answer: the Megilla is calling שמותיו של הקב”ה like קריאת התורה which calls to Hashem כאדם הקורא לחבירו…
Layahdum Haysa 5739
The story of Purim is about יהודים displaying complete הודאה and מסירת נפש. This caused that at the end of the story: ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר. The achievement of being יהודים gave them a new תורה, שמחה, מילה, and תפילין. Each later idea is higher than the idea before.
19. ליהודים היתה אורה ה’תשל”ט
The story of Purim is about יהודים displaying complete הודאה and מסירת נפש. This caused that at the end of the story: ליהודים היתה אורה ושמחה וששון ויקר. The achievement of being יהודים gave them a new תורה, שמחה, מילה, and תפילין. Each later idea is higher than the idea before.
Achdus 99
Perek 13-14 (2) The division between higher and lower makes the high- higher, Kedusha and the low lower- creation. Creation is under the effect of מט”ט called שרו של עולם or הדיוט relative to Kedusha. There is עליון down here in: Torah and Mitzvos as well as in זמן like שבת יום טוב etc and…
Achdus 098
This class is part 2 to the explanation for Atzmus in the Beis Hamikdash: 1) There are two parallel sets of ten: Dibros (Torah) and Maamaros (Creation) 2) They were once one and then diverged- כשתגיעו לאבני שיש טהור אל תאמרו מים מים 3) This divergence caused the high to become higher and low to…
Achdus 097
The answer to the question of Hashem living in (a house,) the Beis Hamikdash (Class 1) Perek 12. A) The presence of Hashem in the Beis Hamikdash, happens through נמנע הנמנעות. B) It is understood from the idea of (מקום הארון אינה מן המדה). This happens through בירורים, which is the Rebbe RaShaB’s formula for…
073 Samech Vov (First Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 01
This class is also called: 100 Samech Vav (Complete Version) – Vayelech Ish – Class 01 and is also found in the Complete Version series.
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