
019 Samech Vov (First Version) – Lulav Vearava – Class 03

Maamar Map:pp 29-32 Old Edition (pp40-45 New Edition) Oseh Ratzono Shel Makom – I Gvulp 32 (p45) Oseh Ratzono Shel Makom – II Bli Gvulpp 33-36 (pp 47-51) Oseh Ratono Shel Makom – III Atzmus Physical Torah and Mitzvos are Atzmus MAMMASH. Torah and Mitzvos are the End, everything else is a means to that…

020 Samech Vov (First Version) – Lulav Vearava – Class 04

Oseh Ratzono Shel MakomWe need to create in Hashem the Ratzon to sustain the world. How do we sustain the world? By Torah and Mitzvos and being honest in business.Al manas l’kabel pras. A pras is a piece – not the whole thing. Dont settle, do it for the Infinite. There are two kinds of…

018 Samech Vov (First Version) – Lulav Vearava – Class 02

Oneg is the Etzem of the Nefesh. Oneg is your personality. Everything that you do has a source, your personality. Taanug can be found in anything. There are two ways that the Taanug can be manifest.I – The Etzem of your neshama is manifest in all your Koachs equally. For example in your sekel it…

017 Samech Vov (First Version) – Lulav Vearava – Class 01

Maamar Map:pp 20-29 (Original Edition) (pp27-40 New Edition) – Three interpretations of לכל תכלה ראיתי קץpp 26-27 (pp 36-38) – (Discussion about Atzmus)p 29 (p 40) רחבה מצותך מאד – Atzmus (Mitzvos) Everything comes from Taanug. – Everybody has a different personality – Your Chaya is your personality – Everybody likes something different. You can’t…

016 Samech Vov (First Version) – Shuva Yisroel – Class 04

The Aibishter is “old.” A Chidush is “new” = once wasn’t. Ohr Ain Sof says “Meet my Boss.” Old is to reveal Elokus. New is to hide Elokus. the New thing, the kav, tells you about itself. Hi, I’m the Kav, let me tell you about the Aibishter. The Ohr Ain Sof has to fight…

015 Samech Vov (First Version) – Shuva Yisroel – Class 03

P 25 (New SV p 35)Discussion of Seder Hishtalshelusלכל תכלה ראיתי קץ – Gvul pp 20-24 (27-33) Bli gvul pp 25-28 (pp35-39)רחבה מצוותך מאד – Atzmus p 29 (p 40)Gvul – Everything that exists for a specific purpose will have an end. At the end you can see the beginning (tzimtzum HaRishon) and at the…

014 Samech Vov (First Version) – Shuva Yisroel – Class 02

There are two taanugs. One is for the completion of a project. נועץ תכילתן בסוף וסוף בתחלתן. And one is for the pleasure of the You the Thinker who thought of the idea in the first place and the pleasure of putting oneself into the project. The You gets pleasure also after it is done….

013 Samech Vov (First Version) – Shuva Yisroel – Class 01

עד ועד בכלל – Something that is on the same level, go point to point, limited, gvul, characterized by walking (always having one foot on the ground.)עד ולא עד בכלל – Different levels each bli gvul and each bli gvul separated from the next level, characterized by a leap (two feet off the ground.)עד ולא…

012 Samech Vov (First Version) – Ze Hayom – Class 04

Three Levels: Olomos – Gan Eden – Edenwe are discussing the second bli gvul levels with regard to tefila. There is feeling Hashem and being sastisfied, Feeling Hashem and wanting more, and a tzubrokenkeit where he wanats more and more every day.To go from level to level in Gan eden and from Gehinnom to gan…

011 Samech Vov (First Version) – Ze Hayom – Class 03

In Gan Eden also Neshamas have to work. To go from level to level they must leap. In learning Torah there are three steps: 1)Hard work 2)Confusion 3) Forgetting that are necessary to get to the next level. The Confusion leads to a new clarity. To advance in Torah one needs new ways of looking…