
Class seventy six

In this class the answer to the question of the previous class is given: The Ruchniyus (spirituality) of the worlds exist in the Koach (Ayin) but not the Gashmi (material). The second part of the class raised the idea of אין כח חסר פועל למעלה which means that אלקות cannot have any חסרונות (lacks) and…

Class seventy five

Question: there is a logical law of כח ופועל- everything that exists actually must exist potentially first. How does this apply to the יש מאין model? The אין and יש are (as explained) quantum separated, so in what way is the אין also a כח for the יש? The discussion we had revolved around the…

Class seventy four

We continue discussing יש מאין. In this class, we explore the משל of agriculture (plant and animal life) how it is like יש מאין because there is a serious חידוש element.

Class seventy three

This class continues the discussion of the difference between יש מיש and יש מאין. We explain that עילה ועלול means “Cause and Effect” and that מאין ליש also means “Cause and Effect”, the difference is the trace-ability. The idea of a quantum separation and a quantum leap to explain יש מאין.

Class seventy two

This class discusses the difference between יש מיש, where the material already is and all you are doing is changing the shape, and יש מאין where there is real creating going on. יש מיש can be done once for always. יש מאין must be perpetual. Aristotle held that יש מאין is נמנע. The Rambam considers…

10. ושבתי בשלום ה’תשל”ח (Muga)

ושבתי בשלום ה’תשל”חClass One: This is the first part (and includes ONLY an introduction) to this masterpiece ושבתי בשלום ה’תשל”ח. The essence of the Ma’amar is about the idea of חידוש (novelty). The idea is: what can man possibly do to appeal to G-d? Giving Him anything including more and more means little to Him….

Class seventy one

This class discusses 2 ideas in יש מאין 1) must be from כח אין סוף העצמי 2) must be בכל רגע ורגע this is the basis for לא שניתי as it is really only the דבר הוי’ה.

Class seventy

This is the beginning of Perek 2. In Perek 1 we discussed לא שניתי from the angle that the LIFE reaching us from Him is לא שניתי. This Perek reasks the question: Isn’t the existence of the world itself the greatest שניתי? There will be 2 answers, the first is that the worlds are recreated…

Class sixty nine

We finished the first Perek and explained why the higher worlds (that are “only” גילויים”) are לא שניתי because of how they benefit the purpose down here. We mentioned (in the Shiur) Tanya Perek 38 about כונה and עשי’ה.

Class sixty eight

This is the third class on the third לא שניתי which is that הוי’ה is עצמות. We began reading INSIDE and reviewed the beginning of this third answer that “עיקר המכוון” is עצמות ומהות. More on המאור הוא בהתגלות.