
Class sixty seven

This is the second class on the third לא שניתי which is that הוי’ה is עצמות. 1) The idea of המאור הוא בהתגלות, that where His intent is even (and especially) in the absence of אור אין סוף there is Him. 2) The idea that יש הנברא isn’t coming from יש האמיתי, but actually IS…

08. פדה בשלום ה’תש”מ

Class One The notion of real peace and the levels in it. The only ultimate peace is when Moshiach comes.  The connection between this idea and the Journey of Yaakov to and from Charan. He returns “in peace”.

09. מרגלא בפומיא דרבא תכלית חכמה תשובה ומעשים טובים ה’תש”מ (Muga)

Class One Three levels and stages: 1) רעותא דליבא 2) קבלת עול מלכות שמים 3) מצוה עצמה Footnote 20: Only Mitzvos actually “hold” Atzmus, but the רעותא דליבא and קבלת עול that proceed it allow the Atzmus to be “revealed”. Class Two These three levels are linked to: 1) בן this is the idea that…

Class sixty one

Class Sixty One. This class discusses the Possuk אני הוי’ לא שניתי, that the basis for the question is the word הוי’ה. In other words, after you define הוי’ה you can explain לא שניתי. Three definitions for הוי’ה: 1) לשון מהוה as the Creator, this is the lowest הוי’ה. 2) מלשון הי’ הוה ויהי’ה כאחד…

Class sixty six

Class Sixty Six This is the end of Perek Aleph in Tanu Rabanan 5643, the third לא שניתי is in Atzmus. Introduction, Kavana, what does intent mean in ענינים פנמיים. We first gave examples from Halacha, like Shabbos. Intent changes nothing and everything, like כונת הצמצום בשביל הגילוי and כונת הגילוי בשביל הצמצום. Here we…

16. Basi Lgani 5739 (2) (third part in Hemshech not Yud Shvat) באתי לגני ה’תשל”ט ב

(Part One) This is a Ma’amar Basi Ligani from 15 Shvat 5739 (it is the third in the “Hemshech” Basi Ligani from 5739) all three Ma’amarim explain the 9th chapter of Basi Ligani 5710. The class explains the two ideas attached to the Possuk ועשית קרשים למשכן עצי שטים עומדים explaining עומדים in two ways:…

07. ויהי הוא טרם כילה לדבר ה’תש”מ

Class One. Prayers that take time to be answered and prayers that are answered immediately. [example” everything about the Kehuna happens fast]. Class Two. How this is connected especially to Eliezer, as he was the Shliach of Yitzchok who is the idea of Gevura, that when it is strong and giving it is very strong…

06. וירח הוי’ את ריח הניחוח ה’תש”מ

Class One. The story of Mesiras Nefesh (Reb Dovid Okinov O”H). The Korbanos of Mesiras Nefesh are greater than the Korbanos in the Beis Hamikdash. When people go through so much and still stand unbending and unchanging (altogether) in their connection to Hashem, this is the highest Inyan. זה דור דורשיו מבקשי פניך יעקב סלה…

05. ויאמר לו יהונתן מחר חודש ה’תש”מ

Class One. Two teachings: the Ba’al Shem Tov and the Tzemach Tzedek. The Ba’al Shem Tov: Breishis etc. to reveal the reason for the concealment of Elokim. The Tzemach Tzedek: three ideas to Breishis: 1) Kesser, 2) Chochma, 3) Midos. To bring it all down. Class Two. The classic idea of renewal after departure (associated…

Basi lgani 5739

This is a Ma’amar Basi Ligani from 15 Shvat 5739 (it is the third in the “Hemshech” Basi Ligani from 5739.) All three Ma’amarim explain the 9th chapter of Basi Ligani 5710. (Class One) This class explains the two ideas attached to the Possuk ועשית קרשים למשכן עצי שטים עומדים explaining עומדים in two ways:…