
Class sixty four

Class Sixty Four This is the first answer to the question of Shanisi: If Havaya means Mihaveh (creator), the Lo Shanisi is that אין עצם מסתיר על עצם one cannot truly block Himself, so the covering though actual isn’t “real.”

Class sixty five

Class Sixty Five This class provides the second answer to the question of לא שניתי. It is predicated on the idea that now הוי’ה means אין סוף, or סובב כל עלמין. Here the answer is that אין סוף .נמצא למטה כמו למעלה ממש The אין סוף is the same everywhere, we just perceive it differently…

Class sixty three

Class Sixty Three The question of Shanisi (2). How is there no change if there are changes between sfiros (in one world), Kesser and Chochma (from close), Bina (from far), Z”A (through a window), and Malchus (through a hole) It is predicated on the idea of “Makom” and Ein Sof- having a relationship with something…

Class sixty two

Class Sixty Two. This class begins the question of שניתי. How can there be לא שניתי if each world has a different level of גילוי. [Note: the next Perek will address the question of שניתי from the worlds themselves, this Perek addresses the חיות אלוקי that comes into the עולמות]. The differences are in the…

Class sixty

Class Sixty. Beginning of אחדות: ביטול היש לאין שהיש יהי’ בטל אל האין. Different ideas of אחדות and what is unique about אני הוי’ לא שניתי.

Class fifty nine

Class Fifty Nine. Beginning of the Biur (we actually read inside the text). The world was created from שם אלוקים so that Hashem would be concealed and only after the creation event does the תורה mention שם הוי’ה. The idea of physical מצוות and how even the מצוות that are חובת הלבבות are physical.

Class fifty eight

Class Fifty Eight. כי נר מצוה ותורה אור ודרך חיים תוכחת מוסר. The three steps are מצות that make one a כלי for the אור התורה but to have it one must do אתכפיא so there’s adequate room for the אור to reveal itself in. How this manifests in Avoda.

Class fifty seven

Class Fifty Seven. This class is not text based and includes the Chanuka part of the Ma’amar (from the beginning of Perek 1 and Perek 4). The basic idea is that the Chashmonim demonstrated such a great Mesiras Nefesh as to make it possible to use their energy to light up the night, the street…

13. Basi Lgani 5719 (Muga)

Class One: This class has a long introduction about the story of Basi Ligani. It also includes Perek 1, 6. This Perek ends the discussion about transforming Klipa to Kedusha, in this case, the letters ר, ק to the letters ד, ה. It is explained based on the Possuk גער חית קנה to transform Masculine and feminine קליפה…

02. שובה ישראל ה’תש”מ (Muga)

(1) The idea of Shofar and Chatzotzros and Shofar (Atzmus and Giluyim) that were explained Rosh Hashana are repeated clearly here. (2) Teshuva must involve Ratzoi and Shov, connect to Hashem but then return to living in this world as a Yid.