15. Hayosheves Baganim 5739 (Hemshech to Basi Legani 5739 (2))
(1) This class is primarily a המשך to the second idea in the last מאמר- the idea that עמידה means לא שניתי because of great תוקף. He argues that עמידה is especially pronounced if and when there is adversity. This reveals Hashem עמידה בתוקף even if it is the fault of our mistakes. (2) In…
14. Basi Legani 5739 (1) באתי לגני ה’תשל”ט א
Class One There are two ideas in קרשים למשכן עצי שטים עומדים in as much as the word עמודים is concerned. The first one (the beginning of the Perek) is in the word עמודים connecting heaven and earth with no change whatsoever; that exactly what is above is below. The explanation is from the idea…
Class Thirty Seven.
End of the Ma’amar. When the Yidden went through that Golus they opened themselves up to seeing G-d in the world in the miracles of Yetzias Mitzrayim and in the miracles going into Eretz Yisroel.
Class Thirty Six.
The extent to which it is true that whether something is or isn’t Avoda Zara depends on whether it connects or separates. Example: the Keruvim according to the RaMbaN. Every rule has exceptions except Avoda Zara and it really comes down to whether it is connected or separated. Dor Haflaga separated between Elokus and Adna-i…
Class Thirty Five.
The Rebbe’s Sicha (Lkutei Sichos vol. 20 Parshas Noach (page 13)) about the first chapter of the RaMbaM’s Hilchos Avoda Zara and the story of idol worship. The issue is if the intermediates are one with Him or independent in any way. Examples: Shlomo’s book of Refua and the Serpent Chizkiyahu melted down. The question…
Class Thirty Four.
Four philosophies: אחדות שיתוף עבודה זרה וכפירה. אחדות There is no power other than Him, no one but He has any power, and on the higher level, nothing but Him actually exists. שיתוף There is One G-d who is in charge but there are other forces with independent power and free will; who LISTEN TO…
Class Thirty Three.
Parnasa (1). The unique combination of making a vessel and remembering G-d makes the balance of faith vs. effort (for most people) a challenge. Too much vessel is called “Idol-worship in purity”. This then is the challenge to see Havaya through Elokim and not let the garment (Elokim) become G-d (Havaya).
Class Thirty Two.
Nisyonos (2). 3) Teshuva heals even the involvement in the three completely evil Klipos, lifting them up because they cause the pain that creates the impetus for the Teshuva. 4) Nisyonos- impossible tests from darkness that have no reality (on the one hand) and are impossible to overcome within nature (on the other). In this…
Class Thirty One.
Nisyonos (1). There are four levels: 1) Yichudim, bringing G-dliness down into vessels through Yichudim (Mimalei Kol Almin). 2) Birurim, sparks from Noga are separated and uplifted.
Class Thirty.
Nimshal for third answer (4). Ultimately, since Hashem is revealing and not hiding we can know the Ein Sof itself. Introduction to the second half of the Ma’amar, what is the meaning of knowing Ein Sof completely. Teva isn’t a blockage. Two examples. From This point on (until the end of the Ma’amar) the classes…
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