
Class Twenty Nine.

Nimshal for third answer (3). The Ein Sof isn’t hidden it’s just delivered in a receivable manner.

Class Twenty Eight.

Nimshal for third answer (2). The Tzimtzum isn’t real to the Mashpia so it’s not real for the Mikabel. Havaya has three meanings: 1) Atzmus, 2) Ein Sof, 3) Mihaveh (Creator). The third Havaya is using Elokim to create, but the creation (as understood in THIS Ma’amar) is attributable to Havaya (only through Elokim).

Class Twenty Seven.

Elokus everywhere as indicated in the idea of Ein Sof Limata ad ain Tachlis. Beginning of Nimshal to third answer (1). No real Hester means that the Talmid can ultimately have everything!

Class Twenty Six.

Elokus of darkness. Another path altogether, but not in this Ma’amar. See Shaar HaYichud VihaEmuna end ch. 4-5.

Class Twenty Five.

Nothing good comes from a negative act (Tzimtzum and Siluk). Therefore after the Siluk there is a return of manifesting of Elokus called Hislabshus Koach HaPoel BiNifal. Three steps in Mashal of Rav and Talmid like the three (not two) steps in Tzimtzum HaRishon. This mirrors the three steps of Machshava Dibur Ma’aseh.

Class Twenty Four.

Second answer Nimshal (inside). The Tzimtzum is to us and not to Him; it is not “Hester Amitti”. Tzimtzum can only happen in Makom and His evacuation of the Makom is not Kipshuto (actual) it is only to us.

Class Twenty Three.

Third answer Mashal (3). 3) True Hester is both to Mashpia and Mukabel, if it’s not hester to one it is not (really) hester to the other. 4) Ohr Yashar and Ohr Chozer, what they mean. What they mean in the context of Mashpia and Mikabel.

Class Twenty Two.

Third answer Mashal (2). 1) the idea of “In other words” the frustration of both teacher and student. Carefully chosen words that carry the entire “essence”. 2) The precision in communicating all there is subliminally to the student happens through two things: 1) Inyonim (perhaps) this means discussing “around: the idea to guarantee a healthy…

Class Twenty One.

Third answer Mashal (1). reading the entire Mashal in the text. Not only is the tzimtzum not a tzimtzum for the teacher, it is not even a Tzimtzum for the student, two levels: 1) The Tzimtzum is not a “Hester Amiti” a true tzimtzum which is only by Klipa where the idea is to cover…

Class Twenty.

Second answer Mashal (4). The advantage (even for the teacher) of knowing through the Mashal: seeing the G-dliness vividly through the physical world. Only Prophecy is considered the spiritual equal to seeing things vividly. This advantage remains a constant advantage of Gashmiyus over Ruchniyus.