Class Nineteen.
Second answer Mashal (3). The Mashal brings the information to the student and the teacher sees through it to the Nimshal. Mashal the globe is an example for Malchus of Atzilus in four aspects: 1) globular shape; 2) heaviness, 3) denseness, 4) the fact that life grows on it’s surface.
Class Eighteen.
Second answer Mashal (2). An idea consist of three dimensions: 1) length- bringing it to lower levels. 2) breadth- how the idea is linked to other ideas. 3) depth- the very essence of the idea. In teaching all three are compromised.
Class Seventeen.
Second answer Mashal (1). A teacher reduces his knowledge to reach his student using different methods, here three are mentioned: 1) He gives only the Chitzoniyus HaSechel. 2) using the means of “Derech Ktzara” 3) using the help of Mashalim. But the reduction is only to the student and not to the teacher who sees…
Class 16
First Answer (5). Idea of “Ain etzem mastir al Etzem” or “hagbalah retzonis aino hagbalah” as a self imposed limitation isn’t really limiting. Similarly, Elokim’s limiting Havaya is not really limiting Havaya as they are ONE with Him and therefore one with one another.
Class Fifteen.
First answer (4). examples of the joining of the Koach Hagevul and Koach Habli Gvul as one cooperative unit. The famous “Avodas HaKodesh” (who was he): Kesheim Sheyesh lo koach bibli gvul kein yesh lo bigvul (He has power in the finite just as His power is in the infinite).
Class Fourteen.
First answer (3). The idea of MiBsari Echezeh Elokah- the human being is the perfect Mashal for Elokus because “Nishtalshelu Mehem”. 1) Two aspects of each Koach, to reveal and to limit, are not in combat with one another.
Class Thirteen.
First answer (2). Tools of Kabbalah allow for an exactness between Havaya and Elokim.
Class Twelve.
First answer (1). Preface: tools in creation: Chakira- Nivdalim the tools themselves are creations. Kabalah- Netiyos (Sefiros) the tools are themselves G-dly. The difference: if the tools are creations there will be in-exactitude in the creations (not due to the creator but) due to the limitations of the tools. If the tools are “G-dly” they…
Class Eleven.
Refutation (5). “Klal Gadol” Essence is always hidden from “other.” What “other” knows is always less than what the source knows.
Class Ten.
Refutation (4) Two Meshalim: 1) what words do to ideas 2) what the body does to the Kochos HaNefesh Huge Tzimtzum.
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