
Class Nine.

Refutation (3). Three types of Tzimtuzm: 1) Tzimtzum HaRishon- Siluk, SHinui Hamehus. 2) Tzimtzumim of Hishtalshelus- Miut. 3) Parsa- through the screen but a new Mehus. Center of each world: Oros and Keilim- Beis Hamikdash; Livushim and Heichalos- Chitzoniyus and Klipa of each world.

Class Eight.

Refutation of the initial answer: it hides much more than it reveals and therefore cannot (really) be called “Gilui” (2). Three rules of “Etzem” and Gilui. Every Tzimtzum is two Tzimtzums: 1) removing the Ohr Haoleh AL Kulana. 2) Miut (hischalkus) of the Chitzoniyus HaOhr.

Class Seven.

Refutation of the initial answer: it hides so much more than it reveals it can hardly be called Gilui (1). Words: Etzem- In relationship with itself (only). Gilui- to another (and the “other” gets it) Yesh- INDEPENDENT being. Ohr- A light that is about reflecting it’s source. Ha’arah- a light that is about revelation to…

Class 06

Attempted answer: the Tzimtzum allows the two opposites of Havaya and Elokim (Ohr and Keli, Guf and Neshama etc.) to meet altogether.

Class 05

Havaya and Elokim are opposites (2). Havaya- Ohr (light). Elokim- Kelim (vessels). The opposites: Ohr: Giluy, Dvaikus, Pshitus, Bli Gvul. Keli: Helem, Havdala, Hischalkus, Gvul.

Class Four.

Havaya and Elokim are opposites (1). Havaya- infinite. Elokim- Finitude.

Class Three.

Knowing Hashem and going out of Mitzrayim- the connection.

Class Two.

Viyadaata- the Possuk MInd and heart- ChaBaD. Achdus of Kabbalah.

Class One.

Introduction to Achdus Hashem (no text).

Class Fifty Six.

Page 124. How there could be כפירה, כחשו בהוי’ ולומר לא הוא? The answer is that זה לעומת זה עשה האלוקים. In קדושה there is הארה דהארה or שערות this is true of קליפה also. The שערות of קדושה are אלקא דאלקייא. The שערות of אלקא דאלקייא are כפירה.