Class Forty Five.
Page 120. סובב כל עלמין (Class One). If סובב created (by itself) without ממלא. The ספירות from אלקות reveal Him completely, yet He is hidden from them notwithstanding how close the ספירות are to the אין סוף.
Class Forty Four.
Page 120. Introduction to סובב and ממלא. Infinite but hidden, Revealed but finite and diverse. He brings ראיות from פסוקים and a זהר.
Class Forty Three.
Introduction to the סובב ממלא part of this מאמר which we will only learn in an overview fashion. This is our third form for הוי’ הוא האלוקים: 1) חסד וגבורה 2) אורות וכלים 3) ממלא וסובב נקודתם אחד אבל “ציורם” שונה.
Class Forty Two.
The RaMbaM’s Achdus, the world is governed by Hashem through the Mazalos (Malachim) but they have no choice or freedom and operate כגרזן ביד החוצב בו and we argue היתפאר הגרזן על החוצב. The “tools” according to the RaMbaM (a non-Mystic) aren’t perfect so the world that are a product of those tools cannot be…
Class Forty One.
The Argument that the RaMbaM “really” agrees that the second Mitzvah is not that Hashem is ONE but that the world isn’t separate from Him, even though the wording of the RaMbaM in the Mishna Torah doesn’t bear this out clearly.
Class Forty.
The three Zohars that show the two Mitzvos 1) Yedia 2) Achdus and that Achdus includes הוי’ הוא האלוקים.
Class Thirty Nine.
The argument that the Rambam also holds that the Mitzvah of Achdus includes the unity between Hashem and the world, (not only that He is one) as supported in his Sefer Hamitzvos.
Class Thirty Eight.
Introduction to Derech Mitzvosecha as a whole. Introduction to this Ma’amar of Achdus in particular.
13. וארא אל אברהם ה’תשל”ט.
This מאמר explores two levels: 1) וארא אל אברהם… ושמי הוי’ לא נודעתי להם 2) וארא אל אברהם… לכן אמור לבני ישראל אני הוי’ה Two ideas exist here. The first is when things are good but limited, one is not Zoche to אני הוי’ה. The second is in Galus where Hashem helps in extraordinary ways…
12. הבאים ישרש יעקב ה’תשל”ט.
This Ma’amar on the Haftorah of Parshas Shemos. The Alter Rebbe says that the word הבאים at the beginning of this Possuk is the same as הבאים in the beginning of פרשת שמות. He brings the Alter Rebbe’s explanation that this is about ירידה צורך עלי’ה and that this is achieved through מצוות which are…
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