26. להבין ענין הילולא דרשב”י ה’תש”מ.
Hemshech Part Two. Three levels of הילולא which means the joy of a wedding. 1) The union of נשמות on high before they come into this world (this is the lowest level even though it is in the spiritual worlds). Example for this from the Mitteler Rebbe’s joy (and his father’s objection). 2) Physical marriages…
25. ויהי ביום השמיני ה’תש”ם.
Hemshech Part One. Eight is higher than the cycle of seven, and rather than start again it is what is above the cycle שומר את ההיקף and above (even eight) is ten. Moshe calls on this eighth day because although he is the seventh, he includes within himself the levels of eight (Bris Mila) and…
24. כימי צאתך מארץ מצרים ה’תש”מ.
Class One. The journey only begins when the Jewish people left Mitzrayim, it ends when they arrive in Eretz Yisroel. Class Two. This is the parallel of the above: the journey that stretches from יציאת מצרים until משיח comes!
23. זאת תורת העולה ה’תש”מ.
Class One. In this first class on this מאמר the Rebbe discusses the idea of עבודה צורך גבוה- do our תורה ומצוות touch and matter to Him? The answer: In שמו or גילויים yes, but not in עצמות. He explains it using the מאמר עד שלא נברא העולם הי’ הוא ושמו בלבד. He explains that…
22. כי ישאלך בנך ה’תש”מ.
A י”א ניסן Ma’amar. Class One .The בן חכם knows what עדות חוקים ומשפטים are. He is questioning the אשר ציוה ה’ אלוקינו אתכם the constant in all three categories is that Hashem must command us to do the עדות חוקים ומשפטים because we would do none of them on our own. In other words…
21. ויקרא ה’תש”מ.
Each aspect of Avoda has the two requisite parts: A. He inspires (אתערותא דלעילא) B. We work. This is true in each of the following scenarios: 1) Before the original sin we had work, that He inspired. 2) After the giving of the Torah there was the building of the Mishkan. 3) After building the…
20. החודש ה’תש”ם.
The story of creation must be a part of the Torah but why in the beginning? Why Rav Yitzchok asks this question? Three steps: A. The דינים וגבורות that allow to world to exist; B. The reversal of the צמצום so that what was in the מקום החלל before צמצום הראשון is reversed, C. החדש…
19. זאת חוקת התורה ה’תש”ם.
This מאמר explains the idea of the 3 בריתות (covenants) made with the world: 1) נח; לטבע. 2) אברהם; לתורה ומצוות. 3) משה; לתשובה. The covenant with משה is for תשובה; which means all Jews are (at least potentially) good. פרה אדומה is תשובה and therefore it was done outside of the camp because it…
18. בלילה ההוא ה’תש”מ.
This מאמר explains the inner dimension of the miracle of Purim “The King (of all King)’s sleep is interrupted” He is still sleeping נדדה but it’s disturbed. The נמשל is that through מסירת נפש the Miracles come directly from עצמות. The idea of ספר הזכרונות and דברי הימים. שינה בנפש האם; בעבודת האדם ולמעלה.
17. זכור ה’תש”מ.
This מאמר on עמלק explains what עמלק does, he finds weak spots and affects that what is good should be weak enough for קליפה to take hold. He “cuts off the head at the nape (back) of the neck”. He cannot fight פנים but he exploits all אחוריים. פנים של נר”נ ופנים של חי’ יחידה,…
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