ואלה שמות בני ישראל ה’תש”מ.
Class One. Why is the Jewish people’s coming to Egypt repeated twice? Answer: because the descent has two levels, one lower than the other and there are two levels of ascent. However, the second ascent won’t happen until Moshiach but we never the less include it in the Exodus account because what will happen is…
RE’EI 5748.
This Maamar explains how Yidden have reiya (can see) G-Dliness even now. Though Hashem told Moshe that he can’t raise Yidden up to the level of Reiya.
Re’ei Anochi 5746.
The Anochi of Re’ei Anochi is higher than the Anochi of Anochi Hashem Elokecha, the Ten Commandments. The idea is to bring the Anochi of Re’ei into the Anochi of the Ten Commandments, because the Torah means this is a world filled with light rather than no world at all.
ראה אנכי נותן לפניכם תשמ”ג
Class One. Based on the Alter Rebbe’s Ma’amar in Likutei Torah, This class, which is the first of two is dominated by what appears to be the Rebbe’s questioning the Alter Rebbe: The Alter Rebbe explains that after Mattan Torah (some part of) the Jewish Neshama is revealed. He goes as far as explaining this…
אחרי ה’ אלוקיכם תלכו תשי”ד
Class One. 1) This Possuk (Acharei…) begins with love, the fear (which is supposed to come first, Tanya Ch. 41) is before this Possuk’s Avoda starts. 2) Walking from below to above is about one’s personal connection with Hashem as opposed to the formal connection through Torah and Mitzvos. 3) all the subsequent steps follow…
Vihaya Eikev 5745.
This Ma’amar explains Eikev in several ways (the lowest generation the lowest world etc.) and Tishmeun, Ushmartem, VaAsisem, (Machshava, Dibur and Maase) which are all included in Shmia, Shma Yisroel. When we elevate the lowest level we reveal Atzmus.
ואכלת ושבעת תשמ”ג
This Ma’amar is on Bentching. Why are there three biblical blessings and the ChaZaL added a fourth? It is like the numbers 3 (lights) that is favored by the Sefer Yetzirah and the number 4 (light and vessel) favored by later Kabbalah. Hashem’s favoritism to His people for Bentching for a smaller amount than what…
ואכלת ושבעת ה’תשמ”א.
This מאמר explains the ברכות of Bentching: 1) Why even in the מדבר they thought of the future לחם מן הארץ. 2) Why even after the מן stopped we continue saying הזן את הכל. 3) The meaning of the last ברכה that even the ירידה into גלות is part of what we are thankful for…
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