
Vehaya Eikev 5711.

Class One. The reason the Soul down in this world says to ‘Bnos Yerushalayim’ “I’m black and (but I’m) beautiful’ because down here there is a love of longing and fear rooted in the Mehus rather than (simply the nature of) the Etezem. How fear of G-d down here is more the Mihus than on…

Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim LiYisroel (UNEDITED VERSION) 5747

For various reasons I taught both versions of the Maamar. Both versions are being made available. Naturally the edited version is deeper and EDITED!

Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim LiYisroel… 5746.

The 15th of Menachem Av follows the greatest Yerida (descent) and therefore ushers in the g,eatest Aliya, thus, the great celebration. When one is coerced into doing Mitzvos (and the Rambam, of course, explains that this is a real mitzva, because this is the true desire of a Yid [and even a gentile in his…

Lo Hayu yamim Tovim… 5744

Class One. The greatest Yerida brings the biggest Aliya. Connection to Monday and the Shir Shel Yom: Gadol Havaya Umehulal Miod BiIr Elokainu two insights: 1) he is seen as greater, 2) he is actually greater! Class Two. 15 Menachem and it’s importance.

לא היו ימים טובים לישראל התשמ”ג.

15 Menachem av is opposite Tisha Bi’Av. Ahavas Yisroel is opposite Sinas Chinom and brings the Geula. This Ma’amar focuses singularly on loving a fellow Jew (very powerful).

תנן בסיום מסכת תענית לא היו ימים טובים לישראל וכו’ ה’תשמ”ב.

This Ma’amar which the Rebbe repeats rather often is about the idea of two levels of Yomim Tovim. The greater of the two types are Teshuva Yomim Tovim such as Yom Kipur (when we got the second Luchos) and Chamisha Asar BiAv (when the Beis HaMikdash is built after destruction). He speaks of three levels:…

Atta HarAisa Ladaas 5746.

This is a Shavuos Maamar. Two gifts of Mattan Torah: 1) Hashem gave us Himself, 2) He gave us the dew of (for) resurrection. These two gifts are called rain and dew. At Har Sinai and its aftermath even the unearned dew is earned. It is therefore called “Geshem Nidavos”- rain of generosity. Even Moshe…

Ma HaAidus 5746.

This is a prePesach Maamar. Class One. The Ben Chachom’s (wise son’s) two questions are 1) Why are we changing from the Avos and focusing instead on the physical and ritual part of each Mitzvah. What possible depth can they inspire? 2) [And] if, in fact, the shift has been made to the physical Mitzvos,…

Nachamu 5745.

This Maamar that deals mostly with the idea of Moshe’s 515 prayers (VaEscahnan) to go into Eretz Yisrael, also deals with the idea of 15 of Menachem, as well as the haftora, Nachamu Nachamu Ami. The prayer is above Hishtalshelus, and asks for something beyond deserved but still from the Chain that is unique to…