נחמו נחמו עמי ה’תשמ”א.
נחמו is said twice for the two בתי מקדש, though the first one was greater and should include whatever they lost in the second one; but the second one’s ירידה is greater and the נחמה is for the ירידה and the ultimate עלי’ה that will follow based on the principle that what falls lower rises…
ראה אנכי נותן לפניכם תשמ”ג
Class One. Based on the Alter Rebbe’s Ma’amar in Likutei Torah, This class, which is the first of two is dominated by what appears to be the Rebbe’s questioning the Alter Rebbe: The Alter Rebbe explains that after Mattan Torah (some part of) the Jewish Neshama is revealed. He goes as far as explaining this…
לא היו ימים טובים לישראל התשמ”ג.
15 Menachem av is opposite Tisha Bi’Av; Ahavas Yisroel is opposite Sinas Chinom and brings the Geula. This Ma’amar focuses singularly on loving a fellow Jew (very powerful).
The second part of this מאמר discusses the idea of אהבת ישראל וואס בריינגט צו אחדות ישראל
וה’ פקד את שרה תשמ”ג Class one. Mazal is the source for Children, health, and Parnassa. In the case of Jewish people, this is the level of אין which is interpreted to be the deepest level possible. We reach and affect the מזל through an עבודה on the level of בכל מאדיך which is the…
Machar Chodesh.. 5722.
This Maamar is really a “Im Kesef talve” Maamar. This Ma’amar which deals with Gemilas Chasadim, places this Mitzva not only above Tzedaka, but above all the Mitzvos: Tzedaka corrects BY”A, Mitzvos enhance Atzilus, GeMaCh touches the Ein Sof and it has nothing to correct, change or improve. So, the reward for touching Keser, is…
VaAira 5712.
Also known as ‘Der Frumer VaAira’. Class One. “The Frumer VaAira” of the Alter Rebbe (origionally) reviewed by the Rebbe in 5712. The Ma’amar is being taught in two classes. This class overviews the Ma’amar and some of its’ history. It then explores the ‘Zoche’ person who need not do Teshuva because 1) he reaches…
The Alter Rebbe.
“Der Frumer vaAira” (5554). Long Version (Yeshiva, 5773/2013). The Alter Rebbe’s Maamar about no sparks (or Jews) being lost, that it may (not only include but) necessitate Teshuva davka, and it cannot happen without this.’ Short overview (Beis Midrash Linashim, 5773/2013). review of “the Frumer VaAira” of the Alter Rebbe.
Margila … Drava 5746.
The Teshuva and Davening nowadays must be done only with joy because 1) We’re too low to afford any kind of sadness 2) We’ve completed all aspects of sad Avoda. The question is still, how is the Tachlis of Totah Teshuva and Maasim Tovim. He explains that the point of Torah is to know Atzmus…
ויהיו חיי שרה ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. Simcha is explored in this class: Joy allows for complete Avodas Hashem; It involves great humility. It needs to be constrained so that it not result in something unholy. < strong>Class Two. The issue of Murgash (external and demonstrative passion) that was described as undesirable in the last class, is the Avoda of:…
Chayey Sara 5712.
Class One. Chayey Sara, Chava Noach and Sara shared the Avoda of bringing Bittul into Murgash [as opposed to Adam and Avrohom whose task was in the realm of the Bilti Murgash]. Noach tried a bittul of Chochma (wine, pinimyus Bina is Chochma) and failed; Sara tried a Bittul of malchus and succeeded because she…
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