
Likutei Sichos – Vol 11 p 001 ff – Being Chosen

Shemos Exile and Redemption (076) In the beginning and in the end, the difference. When the Yidden left Mitzrayim they were like sons of a father, where all are redeemed (even sinners), unless they refuse to be. When Moshiach comes, we will be chosen. Choice is only about the chooser, and not the chosen at…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 13 p 085 ff – RaShI and RaMbaM on Bilaam’s Prophecy

Balak RaShI and the RaMbaM on the Pesukim Balak 24, 17-19 1) Rashi holds that these Pesukim were Bilam’s way of informing Balak that he had no reason to fear from the Jewish people because it would be a long time before they would conquer Moav. RaMbaM holds that this was Bilam’s way of informing…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 160 ff – Yaakov’s Best Years

VaYech The Tribes (54) Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 160 ff Yaakov’s best years were in Egypt not because of what was going on with him, but what was going on with his children, who were susceptible to the realities of Golus. Their learning Torah made Yaakov’s stay in Egypt the best moment of…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 129 ff – Yosef keeps the Secret

Miketz The Tribes (40) Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 129 ff Yosef knows by process of elimination that he best not tell his father he is alive even once appointed Vizier. He figures out that God is in on it, and He will give the signal when is the time to disclose this information…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 10 p 049 ff – Avrohom: Before and After His Bris

Vayera Patriarchs (08) Likutei Sichos – Patriarchs – Vol 10 p 49 ff Avrorhom’s life divided into two: before and after the Bris. Before he was doing Judaism (like a brick) afterwards he was Jew, a representative of God on this earth (like a stone which is natural and not like a brick which is…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 08 p 361-2.

RaMbaM’s Hilchos Melachim Perek 11: Notes on Halacha. In this class many original ideas are raised regarding Halacha 4. We also read the deleted part about the false Messiahs and how they carve out the road to Moshiach.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 06 p 026 ff – Moshe the Redeemer

Shemos Exile and Redemption (067) Same as previous Sicha, but discussing the beginning and the end rather than the middle. Moshe, the redeemer, needed to be above the limitations of all (3) levels of exile, his mother therefore was conceived outside of Egypt, and miraculously became young to give birth to Moshe, this is connected…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 06 p 028 ff – Yosef’s Death beginning of Galus

Shemos Exile and Redemption (063) This class deals only with the part of the Sicha about Yosef. Though Levi survives Yosef by twenty years, the death of Yosef marks the beginning of the Galus from the spiritual sense. The level of miracles that Ya’akov brought with him to Egypt passed with Yosef’s death.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 05 p 196 ff – Miketz: Both the End and the Beginning

Miketz The Tribes (37) Likutei Sichos – Vol 05 p 196 ff Miketz the end (RaShI) or the beginning (Even Ezra). The combined understanding of both defines the spirit of Miketz. The darkest moment is also the brightest.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 854 ff (02)- Things get Worse when Moshe shows up

VaEra Exile and Redemption (083) After Moshe shows up things only get worse. Why and what Hashem expects of Moshe in admonishing him for asking (very good) questions.