Likutei Sichos – Vol 06 p 028 ff – Yosef’s Death marks the beginning of Galus
Shemos Exile and Redemption (063) This class deals only with the part of the Sicha about Yosef. Though Levi survives Yosef by twenty years the death of Yosef marks the beginning of the Galus from the spiritual sense. The level of miracles that Ya’akov brought with him to Egypt passed with Yosef’s death.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 848 ff – Making the Jews Bitter
Shemos Exile and Redemption (065) Making the Jews bitter was not only physical but spiritual, they became distracted from who they are really and this is real bitterness. The lesson.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 843 ff – Chumash Shemos means Names
Shemos Exile and Redemption (062) The entire Chumash Shmos means names because it explains how we go into Galus and how we survive and thrive.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 01 p 111 ff – Drown the Boys but Keep the Girls Alive
Shemos Exile and Redemption (066) The punishment and exile included drowning the boys in the River but not the girls. The Rebbe points out that the “keeping the girls alive” was also part of the decree, it means living in the spirit of Egypt and their worship of nature. It explains the deeper meaning of…
Discussion – Shemos – Leadership – Burning Bush
Shemos Exile and Redemption (074) Leadership. Moshe meets Hashem at the burning bush where the Yidden are discussed. He is encouraged to become the leader but never forced. He argues for a week before acquiescing.
Discussion – Shemos – Moshe / Yisro / Bilaam / Iyov
Shemos Exile and Redemption (073) Moshe leaves Egypt, Ethiopia, Yisro and his role. Bila’am, Iyov, Yisro.
Introduction to Sefer Shmos
Shemos Exile and Redemption (061) [See Likutei Sichos vol. 16 pp. 475-479] This oral class (is based on a Sicha, though no Sicha was read), explains that for a nation to be born, where even the greatest sinners are members, we must be branded on the deepest levels of the subconscious, and that was Galus…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 249 ff – Yosef’s Death
VaYechi The Tribes (60) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 249 ff Yosef’s death marks the end of Braishis because the substance of Shmos- exile to conquer the world must be inspired and initiated by the Avos. Yosef’s death and Golus empower those who follow after him.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 228 ff – Yaakov wishes to reveal the Keitz
VaYechi The Tribes (58) Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 228 ff Ya’akov wishes to tell his children when the Geula will come and they will leave Egypt. But God doesn’t let him. How could they both be correct [as Ya’akov is a Merkava and above error]?? The answer is perspective: Ya’akov hopes to encourage…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 432 ff
In Galus there are two ‘first borns’: Yosef’s first born is Menashe: to remember from where you come and not to be influenced by the environment you are in. Ya’akov’s first born is Ephrayim: to succeed and prosper and take something from the Exile and to ultimately transform it. Yosef therefore objects to the switching…
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