
Kaddish 20 Wednesday 16 Sivan 5778/ May 30 2018.

קדיש Class Twenty. ד’ אותיות הוי’, מילוי ומילוי דמילוי equals 28. The idea of מילוי is discussed at length. It is lower but with a higher source. Explanation: real learning is in the discernment. The more detailed and precise one is, the truer they are, and they reveal a less dramatic, but deeper truth, than…

Kaddish 19 Wednesday 9 Sivan 5778/ May 23 2018.

קדיש Class Nineteen. The idea that in קדיש and in the פסוק בראשית ברא and in the פסוק וידבר אלוקים את כל הדברים האלה לאמור there are 7 words and 28 letters. עשרה עשרה הכף joining together מעשה בראשית with תורה. There are two things in creation: 1) Hashem created a world. 2) He chose…

Kaddish 18 Wednesday 2 Sivan 5778/ May 16 2018.

קדיש Class Eighteen. Explanation of בכל כחו which means כח אדנ”י. Energizing the G-dliness of the letters (darkness) itself. The same is achieved through saying אמן יהא שמי’ רבה בכל כחו.

Kaddish 17 Wednesday 24 Iyar 5778/ May 9 2018.

קדיש Class Seventeen. Introduction: בכל כחו means כח אדנ”י which brings G-dliness into אדנ”י which is lower than הוי’ה and even אלוקים.

Kaddish 16 Wednesday 24 Iyar 5778/ May 9 2018.

קדיש Class Sixteen. The second מאמר חז”ל is discussed here further. בכל כחו is from higher than reason; the example from תפילת חנה. בכל כחו; בכל כונתו; בכל אבריו

Kaddish 15 Wednesday 10 Iyar 5778/ April 25 2018.

קדיש Class Fifteen. Introduction to אמן יהא שמי’ רבה (Part One). אמן to what came before. יהא שמי’ רבה… is a response to יתגדל ויתקדש שמי’ רבה. Two מאמרי חז”ל: 1) כל האומר איש”ר מובטח שהוא בן עולם הבא. 2) כל העונה איש”ר בכל כחו קורעין לו גזר דין של ע’ שנה. The first is…

Likutei Sichos – Vol 16 p 114 ff (02)

Inside. ר’ מתיא בן חרש who lived in Rome taught that to create the nation of Yidden we must do two things: 1) Go out of evil and idolatry, through the Korban Pesach. 2) Bring good and holiness in, through ברית מילה.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 16 p 114 ff (01) Introduction

This class discusses the Jewish people’s preparation for leaving Egypt. It involved the two bloods: 1) Mila 2) Korban Pesach. To be continued.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 868 ff (03)

Stopping time vs. dividing time; the best of both and it’s spiritual implications.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 867-8 (02)

The entire event is an expression of the unconditional love of Hashem to the Jewish People. But we must nevertheless prepare: The preparation for going out of Mitzrayim is Mila and Korban Pesach.