
Exile and Redemption (108) – Unconditional Love – Likutei Sichos Vol. 03 page 867-8 (2)

Bo Exile and Redemption (108) Likutei Sichos vol. 03 page 867-8 (2). The entire event is an expression of the unconditional love of Hashem to the Jewish People, but we must nevertheless prepare. The preparation for going out of Mitzrayim is Mila and Korban Pesach.

Exile and Redemption (107) – Makkas Bechoros – Likutei Sichos Vol. 03 page 864 ff (01)

Bo Exile and Redemption (107) Likutei Sichos vol. 03 page 864 ff (1). The last מכה is different than the others inasmuch that it goes beyond “educating” Egypt to killing Egyptians. The question became why are these more deserving than these? And no answer of logic exists; it is just because of a transcendent love.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 868 ff (03) – Manipulating time

Bo Exile and Redemption (109) Stopping time vs. dividing time; the best of both and its spiritual implications.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 867-8 (02) – Unconditional Love

Bo Exile and Redemption (108) The entire event is an expression of the unconditional love of Hashem to the Jewish People, but we must nevertheless prepare. The preparation for going out of Mitzrayim is Mila and Korban Pesach.

Likutei Sichos – Vol 03 p 864 ff (01) – Last Makka

Bo Exile and Redemption (107) The last מכה is different than the others inasmuch that it goes beyond “educating” Egypt to killing Egyptians. The question became why are these more deserving than these? And no answer of logic exists; it is just because of a transcendent love.

Kaddish 14 Wednesday 3 Iyar 5778/ April 18 2018.

קדיש Class Fourteen. בחייכון וביומיכון ובחיי דכל בית ישראל בעגלה ובזמן קריב ואמרו אמן. Class Four. ובחיי דכל בית ישראל בעגלה ובזמן קריב Both these phrases include a masculine and feminine aspect, making the tandem like ז”א ונוקבא. The difference (according to the רמ”ק) is that the first is מלמטה למעלה like תיקון, and the…

Kaddish 13 Wednesday 26 Nissan 5778/ April 11 2018.

קדיש Class Thirteen. בחייכון וביומיכון ובחיי דכל בית ישראל בעגלה ובזמן קריב ואמרו אמן. Class Three. בחייכון is the idea of bringing אין סוף into the containment and order (קדושה) of חיות- life, פנימיות in other words למקום הראוי ובאופן הראוי בלי יניקה. וביומיכון is the idea of bringing the highest idea of time (ימי…

Kaddish 12 Wednesday 27 Adar 5778/ March 14 2018.

קדיש Class Twelve. בחייכון וביומיכון ובחיי דכל בית ישראל בעגלה ובזמן קריב ואמרו אמן. Class Two. Introduction: Small infractions in the highest levels become huge issues on lower levels. Example One: the original sin of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Example Two: the Golden Calf; what were the Jews thinking?…

Kaddish 11 Wednesday 20 Adar 5778/ March 7 2018.

קדיש Class Eleven. בחייכון וביומיכון ובחיי דכל בית ישראל בעגלה ובזמן קריב ואמרו אמן. Class One. 1) The idea of ואמרו אמן, that the חזן tells us what to do and we do it, is like the idea of ברכו את השם, rather than נברך את השם. Why does the חזן not include himself? This…

Kaddish 10 Wednesday 6 Adar 5778/ February 21 2018.

קדיש Class Ten. Second explanation of בעלמא די ברא כרעותי’ה וכו. בעלמא די ברא כרעותי’ה is אצילות or the idea of כל הנקרא בשמי this is an allusion to the world before the first sin of eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You can explain how they could live forever, even…