322 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bisha’a SheHikdimu – Class 07
Page 454 ff. NEW SV p. 598 ff.Machshava and Koach HaMachshava. Rooted in Etzem [HaNefesh and of LiMaala]. In the Nimshal both are Atzilus, It’s giluy to be (later) nifrad and the giluy in (and to) itself.
ViHecherim 5745
Class One. (A thought on 28 Nissan 5773). This Maamar which discusses Yetzias Mitzrayim and Krias Yam Suf back then vs. the final Geula, explains (first) that to get the Torah down into this world there needed to be preparation from both ends. From the world’s end this was Yetzias (going out of and breaking…
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