17d. Bisha’a Shehikdimu (בשעה שהקדימו) 5713 – Class Four
Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5713, Class Four.A short Class that ends the Ma’amar on the note of bringing the makif (Bittul, Hoda’a, Bittul BiMtzius) into Pnimiyus, going through “the steps” mind heart etc.
17c. Bisha’a Shehikdimu (בשעה שהקדימו) 5713 – Class Three
Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5713, Class Three.The two ideas of…1) The link between the lowest and highest Avoda2) The idea of “the Avoda of Kesser”…are both discussed in this class.The פסוק ולא תעלה במעלות על מזבחי אשר לא תגלה ערותך עליו is explained, there’s a ramp (gradual imperceptible climb- linked to the Avoda of סובב כל עלמין)…
17b. Bisha’a Shehikdimu (בשעה שהקדימו) 5713 – Class Two
Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5713, Class Two.Three steps: 1) יציאת מצרים and 2) ספירת העומר, and 3) מתן תורה, these three are (in Avodah) 1) אתכפיא and 2) אתהפכא ע”י המשכת מוחין למדות and 3) ביטול במציאות.There a connection between the lowest level and the highest level.These three steps are also in Davening 1) מודה אני and…
Ko Sivurchu 5745.
Class One. Another Ma’amar that is (in part) a Mattan Torah Ma’amar. Why is Hashem introducing Himself as the Redeemer and not as the Creator, considering that Creator is Yesh MeAyin and a far greater miracle? The Rebbe explains because we look at things when they are actual (revealed) and not potential (hidden). Though from…
Ko Sivurchu 5745.
Class One. Another Ma’amar that is (in part) a Mattan Torah Ma’amar. Why is Hashem introducing Himself as the Redeemer and not as the Creator, considering that Creator is Yesh MeAyin and a far greater miracle? The Rebbe explains because we look at things when they are actual (revealed) and not potential (hidden). Though from…
Ten Maamarei Chazal (5767).
A two part series that looks at Mattan Torah using ten statements made in the Gemara in Shabbos. Class One. Class Two.
Vichol HaAm Roim 5744.
Why was Mattan Torah with so much fan fair and noise? The idea is that Mattan Torah reveals ‘Atzmus’ that breaks ‘The decree that separates the higher from the lower’. The ‘noise’ affects Bittul which is (in a way) the Keli to receive ‘Atzmus’ The Class discusses the change that is affected by the fact…
Sicha – Shavuos – When (saying) nothing isn’t nothing at all (01)
Likutei Sichos Vol 28 p 7 ff Introduction and summary of the sicha. This class is packed with information. Fascinating information about the offerings associated with Shavuos and the Chassidus that will help you prepare yourself for receiving the Torah. How do we count the days of the week before receiving the Torah?
Yisro – Matan Torah From The Inside (2005)
This class on Parshas Yisro discusses the meaning of Mattan Torah and the difference between the experience of Mattan Torah that we have at Parshas Yisro versus on Shavuos.
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