Birhdays, Stories, Minhagim, Mazal (Beis Rivkah Seminary 5780)
Birhdays, Stories, Minhagim, Mazal (Beis Rivkah Seminary 5780)1) History of the celebration of birthdays (way before 25 Adar 5748) from the Ba’al Shem Tov onward. By the Rabbeiim it was secret and private until 5687. In that year, when the Rebbe RaYaTz survived his imprisonment and exile he began saying Chassidus in public on 12…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 213 ff – Yosef accesses his Mazal
Vayeshev The Tribes (34) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 213 ff Yosef is ‘Matzliach’ (accesses his Mazal in a very blessed way) because of his adaptability to the reality and hardship of Galus. He descends from bad to worse, from Slave to Prisoner and as his circumstances challenge him more he digs deeper to…
Toras Menachem – 13 Tammuz 5712 (02) – Sicha One – Class Two.
Discussion about the concept of Mazal and things being predetermined and unchangeable in Hashem’s world. Page 55.
וה’ פקד את שרה תשמ”ג
Class one. Mazal is the source for Children, Health, and Parnassa. In the case of the Jewish people, this is the level of אין which is interpreted to be the deepest level possible. We reach and affect the מזל through an עבודה on the level of בכל מאדיך which is the יחידה. Class Two. This…
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