
Samach Bais (20) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 20

Page 249-250. Merkava and what it means that Neshamos and Malachim carry “Him”. In this Ma’amar it is through Birur: when the Malachim are clarified and return to their source in Tohu, they are able to carry “Him” Adam HaElyon.

The Merkava (5770).

On Shavuos we read the description of the Divine Chariot as described by Yechezkel (Ezekiel) this class touches on this.

Sicha – 3 Avos = Balance (07)

Likutei sichos – Vol 30 p 103 ff Yitzchok’s successes reflect the KIRUV that came from his Bittul. Introduction to mystical idea: the Avos were a Merkava and their nature wasn’t natural but a Merkava as well. Page 107-8.