
Vayakheil Moshe 5714

Class One. This class raises and answers all six questions in this Ma’amar and explains the first three Pesukim of Vayakheil in sequence. Vayakheil Moshe- to give them Koach from the mountain top to be able to do Birurim in this world. Aile Hadevurim… refers to the 39 types of work that one should do…

Vayigash… Koros Bateinu Arazim 5746. (5772/2011).

Mishkan’s earth is Bittul before Avoda, while the Beis HaMikdash being entirely of stone means that the Bittul permeates each aspect, still, the earth of Sota in the Beis HaMikdash is called “Karka HaMishkan” as there is an advantage to the Mishkan’s (lower) Bittul.