לא תהי’ משכלה ה’תשי”ב.
Class One. This classic Ma’amar discusses the question of עבודה צורך גבוה: do the Mitzvos we do make a difference on high or only to us. The answer must be both yes and no, based on the collection of מאמרי חז”ל on the subject. Accordingly our Ma’amar explores this on several levels: Level one: In…
Mishpatim 24:10 – Vayiru Es Elokei Yisroel….
The Yidden at Har Sinai “saw” G-D(liness). What does this mean? What do the philosophers say about this (and similar) question(s); and what do the mystics say. A deep and insightful class that includes Rasag, Rashi, Rambam (and reb Avrohom ben haRambam), and a Maamar (5719).
Mishpatim 23:25 – Vavadetem es Hashem…
The idea of serving Hashem- are we actually doing anything for Him? Or is it all for us. This Possuk is the catalyst for a very important mystical (Kabbalistic) innovation regarding man’s ability (by divine decree) to “touch” G-Dliness.
Mishpatim 23:20 – Hinei Anochi
The angel described here that is meant to assist the Jewish people is not ordinary. This class explores various ideas regarding this particular angel and touches on the idea of angels as a whole. How could malachim (angels) be involved between G-d and the Jewish people if they had not yet sinned? Sources include Rashi,…
Toras Menachem – Mishpatim 5714 (04) – Third Sicha (01)
Class Four: Page 93-4. The simplest can be of greatest value.
Mishpatim – Beginner Class – Quiet This is What I Want! (1999)
The Mishpatim shiur from the Mayaan Chai Series.Beginners Class.
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