
Toras Menachem – Rosh Chodesh Kislev 5713 (08)- 9 Kislev 5713 (at an upsherenish) (02)

Class Eight. 1) Chanuka and Alter Rebbe’s geula message; 2)Ata Echod, connected to the Mitteler Rebbe’s Maamar said as he was being freed. Page 191-3. Unfinished.

The Life of the Mitteler Rebbe (BMLN 5769 (2008)) – Part 02

Mitteler Rebbe’s Life (BMLN) – Part 2

The Life of the Mitteler Rebbe (BMLN 5769 (2008)) – Part 01

A series of classes on the life of the Mitteler Rebbe given at Beis Midrash LiNashim. Mitteler Rebbe’s Life (BMLN) – Part 1

The Life of the Mitteler Rebbe (Yeshiva) – Class 02

A series of classes on the life of the Mitteler Rebbe given at Yeshivas Chovevai Torah, beginning in Marcheshvan 5776/2015. Class Two. His passion for Chassidus from the earliest of ages. He was -on this earth- like “The Fish from the sea that walk on the dry land. I will say the biur, The Barditchiver…

Toras Menachem – Vayeitze 5712 (05)

Class Five. The Mitteler Rebbe’s Chassidus. Great Shefa. He wanted Chassidim to meet and discuss Yichuda Illa’a. Page 159-60.

The Life of the Mitteler Rebbe (Yeshiva) – Class 01

A series of classes on the life of the Mitteler Rebbe given at Yeshivas Chovevai Torah, beginning in Marcheshvan 5776/2015. Class One. The Alter Rebbe’s daughters: Reb. Fraidke and Devorah Leah. The Bracha of the Maggid for the birth of a son, “but don’t forget about me”. His early years, Bar Mitzvah, wedding (in short).