The Life of the Mitteler Rebbe (BMLN 5769 (2008)) – Part 03
A series of classes on the life of the Mitteler Rebbe given at Beis Midrash LiNashim. Mitteler Rebbe’s Life (BMLN) – Part 3
Toras Menachem – Vayeitze 5712 (02) Second Sicha – Class 01
Class Two. The Mitteler Rebbe. Hashgacha Protis. Page 156-7.
12. Pada BiShalom 5737 (3rd of three part Hemshech about Pada Bisahlom).
Pada BiShalom 5737 (3rd of three part Hemshech about Pada Bishalom), Class One.This Ma’amar seems to be a repeat of the Ma’amar of Shabbos (19 Kislev) before it, Katonti.The ideas of war and peace (Dovid, Shlomo, Moshiach) are discussed; as well as the ideas of Avoda (Iskafia, Ishapcha, NaRaN, Chaya and Yechida) are also repeated.And…
10. Pada BiShalom 5737 (First of three Ma’amarim in a Series) 10 Kislev.
Pada BiShalom 5737 (First of three Ma’amarim in a Series) 10 Kislev, Class One.Lavan’s Kiss and Yaakov’s JourneyThis is a maamar within a maamar. The “outer ring” (beginning and end) of the Ma’amar is based on the classic work of the Mitteler Rebbe by this name, it discusses the idea of Pada BiShalom, the issue…
Tanya (text based) Perek 10 Class 5 (95)
Tanya Perek 10, (Class 5). This class has a 20 minute introduction about 10 Kislev. The second idea about Bnei Aliyah, is the idea of איזהו חסיד המתחסד עם קונו the idea of Chassidus- to serve their Maker (Hashem). Two levels 1) מתחסד עם קונו and 2) עם קן דילי’ה the idea of Dira Bitachtonim.
07. Pada BiShalom 5739 (Muga) A 9 Kislev Ma’amar
Pada BiShalom 5739 (Muga) A Tes Kislev Ma’amar Class One: This class is on the Biur (heart) of the Ma’amar. First we review (orally) the levels of NaRaN (Hilabshus and struggle,) Chaya (Struggle but no direct meeting, meaning no Hislabshus,) and Yechida (No Hislabshus, no struggle as there is no opposition). Then inside, why even…
Hayom Yom – 15 Adar II
About the Mittler Rebbe:The Mittler Rebbe’s ChassidusThe Mittler Rebbe’s NesiusHishkashrus between Chassidim and the Rebbe and vice versa. The Chassidim set the terms, the Rebbe only wants to give.
11. Pada BiShalom 5722 (Muga)
A very involved Padah Bishalom Ma’amar. Shalom is Yechida that gives koach to a lower Yid to serve on the level of total hisbatlus, even if his Yechida is not revealed. The Yechida is the idea of “Ki BiRabim Hayu Imadi” [1) Yachid sherabim tzrichin lo, 2) The nitzutzei kidusha in Klipa also want an…
Pada BiShalom 5746.
Pada Bishalom has levels 1) that now is only potential and the Shalom will be revealed when Moshiach comes, 2) That the Shalom is revealed at the moment of the Tzadik’s histalkus, 3Z) That the Tzadik experiences the Shalom during his lifetime. This Ma’amar observes that the Mitteler Rebbe’s Yahrtzeit being the day before his…
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