
Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 44

Page 47-8. Abstract ideas and learning create great delight, but it is completely removed from the emotions in the heart. Only revealing the Joy demonstratively can move and inspire the heart.

Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 43

Page 47. The Solution: Simcha. Simcha comes from the depth of the person, in other words: we are our laughter and joy. When we reveal it, it empowers us greatly.

Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 42

Page 46. Two levels and types of Hishtalshelus: Pnimiyus Moach VaLev, where it goes from level to level (Kesser to Chochma, Chochma to Bina etc.) effortlessly, because one has reached Pnimiyus (Gadlus) HaMochin ViHaMidos. Chitzoniyus Mochin UMidos is filled with starts and stops, like the Bechain between mind and heart. These weak moments are where…

Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 41

Page 44-5. Brachos HaMitzvos

Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 40

Page 44-5. The idea that דרבנן ודברי סופרים are higher than דברי תורה. In order to bring the Torah (of Atzilus) lower, one must dig higher. Thus, חמורים דברי סוםרים יותר מדברי תורה Though ד”ס are lower than and come from ד”ת, nevertheless their source is higher.

Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 39

Page 43- 4. Kol Chayei HaOlom Haba- Ziv HaShechina, vs. bringing down קדוש, קדש and creating new קדושה as it says ועשיתם את כל מצותי והיתם קדושים לאלוקיכם. These two ideas of Gan Eden and Kedusha are like Kavana and Ma’aseh HaMitzvah; Na’aseh and Nishma etc.

MM 5657 Samach Tisamach – Class 38

Page 42- 3. Four ideas and five levels: 1) קדמון, and 2) קדמון כקדמותו, and 3) כמו קדמו ההעדר, and 4) קדמו ההעדר. A) עצמות ומהות, and B) יכולת, קדמון כקדמותו and C) עצם אור אין סוף, and D) גילוי אוא”ס קועלהר”צ, ספי’ אין קץ, גילוי רצונית, and E) עלות הרצון, עשר ספירות הגנוזות. Question:…

MM 5657 Samach Tisamach – Class 37

Page 41- 2. Three levels of Malchus, that are divided into five: 1) Etzem of Koach HaMalchus, as part of the wholeness of the nefesh, 2) Hamshacha of Malchus that includes A. Being crowned though not considering Malchus yet, B. Desiring to King. 3) Actually Kinging, A. Feeling above the people, B. Actually making laws…

MM 5657 Samach Tisamach – Class 36

Page 40-41. Three ideas: 1) Everyone has רוממות (Kingship) as an individual, this is man’s confidence and self esteem. 2) A private man can be made a king if the people call it out of him, but he is a נשמה פרטית filling a role which is not naturally his. 3) a נשמה כללית doing…

MM 5657 Samach Tisamach – Class 35

Page 38-40. A question with two answers: Why would a person be called a King on the day he is crowned if he hasn’t yet done anything, or even thought about what he’d do, as a king? Answer 1) Because that event draws out from his essence (שלימות הנפש) the possibility to govern. Answer 2)…