25. Balaila Hahu 5746
This is the classic Purim maamar. The Yidden were in Golus that is compared to sleep. Yidden’s Mesiras Nefesh “roused” Hashem (kvayachol) from His sleep. The reason the waking up is the miracle [and not the Yidden’s mesiras nefesh which aroused it] is that it’s a miracle within nature. Hashem was still “sleeping” in Golus…
50. Es HaVaya HeEmarta Hayom… 5746
This Ma’amar was recited Erev Rosh Hashana. He’emarta and He’emircha. Three translations in the same word are three steps in the same effect: 1) create delight and pleasure from Yidden, 2) Create garment of (infinite) light, 3) Speak (which represents finite light). These three ideas are stages in Hashem becoming and being revealed (down here)…
49. Sos Asis BaHavaya 5746
The Possuk Sos Asis puts the simcha of Sukkos before the Yirah of the Yamim Noraim, though it comes later chronologically, because the point of it all is the Simcha (revelation). Rosh Hashana is renewal and on sukkos it is revealed.
48. Hayom haze… He’emarta… He’emircha 5746
The Maamar of Tavo also has to do with HaYom (holy Z’man, Rosh Hashana) not only Eretz Yisroel (Makom) as is obvious from the beginning of our Parsha. A special time has special effects as does special space. The joining of the two together is even more special.
47. Ani Lidodi 5746
Elul is the heart, seeing the face of the king which gives so much and nothing at all. Why Ani Ledodi is connected to parshas Re’ei (seeing) and there is no Shoftim (judgment) in Likutei Torah of Elul.
46. Re’ei Anochi 5746
The Anochi of Re’ei Anochi is higher than the Anochi of Anochi Hashem Elokecha, the Ten Commandments. The idea is to bring the Anochi of Re’ei into the Anochi of the Ten Commandments, because the Torah means there is a world filled with light rather than no world at all.
45. Lo Hayu Yamkim Tovim LiYisroel… 5746
The 15th of Menachem Av follows the greatest Yerida (descent) and therefore ushers in the greatest Aliya. Thus, the great celebration. When one is coerced into doing Mitzvos (and the Rambam, of course, explains that this is a real mitzva, because this is the true desire of a Yid [and even a gentile in his…
44. Tziyon Bimishpat Tipade’ 5746
Two interpretations in Tziyon BiMishpat TiPade ViShuvehu BiTzdaka: 1) Both Tziyon and Shaveha are redeemed by Mishpat with the help from Tzedaka, 2) Tziyon is redeemed by Mishpat (Torah) and Shuveha through Tzedaka. The second pshat reaches higher than it was originally while the first pshat simply brings things back to how they were before…
43. Aile’ Masei 5746 (5772/2012)
The meaning of the recalling the Masei- the Journeys of the Jews as they left Egypt and traveled towards Eretz Yisroel. Two different Chassidic interpretations, provide different versions of these Pesukim, one based on the idea that the Journey is about elevating God’s world with Godliness and the second is about the “Yerida Tzorech Aliya”…
42b. Yehi Hashem Elokeinu Imanu 5746, Part Two (5772/2012)
We pray to be like our ancestors though we are [in our Avoda] on a higher level than they were. The reason for this prayer is because we are asking Hashem to allow us to feel the lofty levels we reach as a result of being born after Mattan Torah. Just as they felt the…
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