
21. Voyomer Hashem El Moshe Ma Titzak ailai 5746

This Maamar is a Hemshech (continuation) from the Basi Ligani. The Rebbe explained that in ch. 16 of the Frierdike Rebbe’s Basi Ligani the two ideas of Ohr Ein Sof Limmala Ad Ein Ketz and Limata Ad Ein Tachlis are in the same light. This Shiur begins by completing what was left uncompleted in the…

20. Basi Ligani 5746

1) The Yerida and Aliya of the (original seven sins as well as all future Yeridos due to) chataim makes our effort at Dira BiTachtonim one of a Baal teshuva and Milchama Gedola achieved with Avoda Gedola (of Simcha). 2) Moshe’s giluy at Har Sinai was the beginning, the full giluy was in the Beis…

19. Vayehi BiEtzem Hayom Haze’…. Tzivos Hashem 5746 (5772/2012)

This Maamar is based on the Maamar of Parshas Bo 5683, when our Rebbe came to his Rebbe (the RaYatz) for the first time. The Maamar said that Shabbos, would be repeated 27 years later as the Maamar Basi Ligani 5710 of the Previous Rebbe’s histalkus. On the occasion of the printing of this early…

18. HaShamayim Kisii 5746 (5772/2012)

HaShamayim Kisii 5746 (5772/2012) is 1) a chair that brings down and close to the worlds (as understood from the Possuk HaShamayim Kissi [The heaven is My throne]) while in most other contexts Shamayim is remote and aloof. This Maamar explains the first idea, that Shamayim is a Kisii (chair) and brings close and then…

17 Viale’ Shmos 5746 (5772/2012)

Golus has two Yeridos and Geula has two Aliyos. This is true in general: 1) Geula from Mitzrayim 2) the Geula of Moshiach and in particular: in each of these two Goliyos there are two levels of descent and two levels of ascent 1) like ascending from the limitation of thought 2) Ascending from the…

16. Yehuda Ata 5746 (5772/2011)

Yehuda is Bittul. This is only experienced when it follows Reuvain (Seeing, Love), Shimon (Hearing, Fear), Levi (Connection, Joy).

15. Vayigash… Koros Bateinu Arazim 5746 (5772/2011)

Mishkan’s earth is Bittul before Avoda, while Beis HaMikdash’s being entirely made of stone means that the Bittul permeates each aspect, still, the earth of Sota in the Beis HaMikdash is still called “Karka HaMishkan” as there is an advantage to the Mishkan’s (lower) Bittul.

14. Bayom Hashmini 5746 (Chanuka)

This Maamar is Muga. The number eight is higher than order, but not all “eighths” are equal. The eighth of Miluim is relative to Hishtalshelus, while the eighth of Chanuka is connected with Atzmus.

13. Ner Chanuka 5746. (5772/2011)

7 Mitzvos of the Ribanan, elevate the left [as if we were to say “Smol mikareves”], but only once the 613 Mitzvos diOraisa have made a Keli for the right side. This explains much about Chanuka licht: Their 1) side (left) 2) number (eight) 3) time (after dark) and location 4) (outside).

12. VaYeshev Yaakov 5746. (5772/2011)

Vayshev: above work and yerida tzorach aliya is real and constant peace that is after descending into Eretz Migurei Aviv and (lower still) Eretz Kinuan. Later he descends further into Mitzrayim and achieves an even higher VaYechi! How this ties into Chanuka, Golus etc.