Sicha – Awaiting Moshiach as seen through the eyes of the Parah Adumah (09)
Likutei Sichos Vol 28 p 131 ff Class 9: Davening when one has real needs
Sicha – Awaiting Moshiach as seen through the eyes of the Parah Adumah (08)
Likutei Sichos Vol 28 p 131 ff Class 8: Megeira Yigale must be in halacha
Sicha – Awaiting Moshiach as seen through the eyes of the Parah Adumah (07)
Likutei Sichos Vol 28 p 131 ff Class 7: Peula nimsheches/ongoing action(-Rogotchover_&_R._Chayim) PARA needs Moshiach!
Likutei Sichos – Vol 27 p 191 ff – Two Tekufos of Yemos HaMashiach (03)
Bechukosai Likutei Sichos vol 27 page 191 ff. Class Three.This class “gets into the RaMbaM’s head” what compels him to insist that the times of Moshiach “must” have two periods.Two levels:1) Since Moshiach can happen in two ways (זכו ולא זכו) so the RaMbaM must give us essentially a minimalist view of how he must…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 27 p 191 ff – Two Tekufos of Yemos HaMashiach (02)
Bechukosai Likutei Sichos vol 27 page 191 ff. Class Two.Contradictions in RaMbaM that require the two stages in the times of Moshiach.1) The RaMbaM Paskens that the Neviim only saw Yemos HaMoshiach, which means that there WILL be שינוי מנהגו של עולם in Yemos HaMoshaich.2) The RaMbaM Paskens that wearing weapons on Shabbos is carrying…
Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 15
Class Fifteen. 40) 28 Nissan 5751 what came before it and the great shock of that Sicha. 41) Purim 5747, an earlier very elaborate version of the Sicha of 28 Nissan 5751, where the Rebbe introduced the timeliness of Moshiach and explained the campaign. The why and the how (part one).
Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 17
Class Seventeen. 46) Talking again and again about what we must do to bring Moshiach, one good deed etc. 47) The idea of יתבררו ויתלבנו ויצרפו רבים as an additional indicator of the imminence of the coming of Moshiach. The examples from all kinds of extreme events happening on the world, both good and bad.
Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 16
Class Sixteen. 42) Purim 5747 continued. The seven Mitzvos of Noach. 43) The answer it’s the time. 44) It has has gone over from the head to all of us. 45) King Hoshea ben Aila removing the roadblocks and bringing suffering to all the Yidden. How is this different?
Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 14
Class Fourteen. 38) Mishpatim 5752, the disarmament taking place in New York is from the effects of Moshiach himself. 39) To the Shluchim, what remains is for them to prepare the road for the final Shaliach- Moshiach to begin his mission. They must be מקבל פני משיח צדקינו בפועל ממש.
Moshiach Longer Version (5776) – Class 13
Class Thirteen. 35) The Ketz- end of Nissan 5751 כלו כל הקיצין כפשוטו ממש. Thirty-six) 28 Sivan coming to the lowest place and achieving the highest things. 37) Shabbos Shoftim- a Prophet and a Prophecy.
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