
19. Ki Savou El HaAretz (כי תבואו) 5712

Ki Savou El HaAretz 5712. Nesachim are connected to Eretz Yisroel; but before then there must be a time of Ratzoi without Shov (the Midbar) setting up the ‘Purpose’ of Shov as represented by Nesachim.Krias Shma without Tefillin, is Korban without Nesech; and it is false witness, because it is denying the idea that THIS…

Lehavin Inyan HaNesachim 5747.

Explanation for why this Mitzva (of Nesachim) comes after the story of the Spies. It’s the Ratzui and Shov after the exclusively Ratzui of the Miraglim and their generation.

להבין ענין הנסכים תשמ”ג.

The נסכים (libations) would not begin until the Yidden went into Eretz Yisroel, a full forty years after the קרבנות started in the משכן. This מאמר explores why, using קריאת שמע and תפילין as the illustration. In the מדבר they had only מצוות of רצוא and not שוב therefore they had no נסכים which represents…

06. Abayey Class Six. Wednesday 7 Kislev 5777/ December 7 2016. אביי

06. אביי Class Six. Reading continued. אברים the pleasure of total transformation אהבה בתענוגים. At this point one’s life turns around and he lives to give to others.יהי’ שם שמים מתאהב על ידך. Bread, מנחה, internalizing the inspiration one gives [limited but internalized]. The bread represents חביתין .חסד done each day by the Kohen Gadol…