
Hayom Yom – 10 Sivan

Alter Rebbe says to a Chossid: you have a good candle, but you lack light and fire which comes from hitting the stone of the Animal Soul. What is a candle, two opinions about Neshama being candle: 1) the vessel, 2) the light and fire. Mind and Soul: candle and fire, we all need fire.

Class 26, Perek 2, Class 6 Tanya (text based)

1) A thought on Tisha BiAv, Teshuva and Moshiach. 2) Neshamos are G-dly, but independent, as they come from the Keilim. The פסוק נר הוי’ נשמת אדם that compares Neshamos to a Candle and the two ways of understanding this. 3) Though all Neshamos are one with Hashem and come from His Chochma, as the…