Class Seventy in Section Seven of The second idea
רס”ו ע’ תרס”ח. סובב כל עלמין and ע”ס בלימה continued. Although סובב is above the רצון for עולמות and כמו קדמו ההעדר which means it is not connected to עולמות for it’s existence; but it is not עצם but גילוי and by default (indirect association) it is שייך לעולמות and as such is קודש. Only…
Class Sixty Nine in Section Seven of The second idea
רס”ו ע’ תרס”ח. The idea of סובב כל עלמין leads us to understand that even סובב is only קדוש because it is also for “כל עלמין” and only עצמות אוא”ס is קדש.
Class Sixty Eight in Section Seven of The second idea
רס”ו ע’ תרס”ד- תרס”ח. עלי’ה from גרמוהי to חיוהי. Three levels of אור: 1) כמו שכלול בעצמות. 2) כמו שנמשך כבר בכלים 3) בין ב’ הנ”ל the level of בלימ”ה. The idea of קדש is this middle level.
Class Sixty Seven in Section Seven of The second idea
רס”ו ע’ תרס”ד The Zohar speaks of קדש מילי בגרמי a notion of holiness by itself. Holiness isn’t Hashem, as He above the idea of being above, so Holy by itself isn’t Him, yet it isn’t connected to anything else that carries the holiness as a “thing” onto itself. In general, this is חכמה that…
Class Sixty Six in Section Seven of The second idea
רס”ו ע’ תרס”ג-ד. Second explanation for ירידה צורל עלי’ה from טהרה to קדושה and from גרמוהי to חיוהי: It’s the עלי’ה to the level of קדש (without the וי”ו) that is completely above קדוש (with a וי”ו). Explanation: review of טהרה vs. קדושה; leads to difference between קדוש and קדש.
Class Sixty Five in Section Seven of The second idea
רס”ו ע’ תרס”ב-ג. אין קדוש כהוי’ה explains how in אצילות itself there is an idea of עלי’ה from טהרה to קדושה (ie from גרמוהי to חיוהי) based on the idea that even the אור ממלא in אצילות is קדוש in a unique way called אין קדוש כהוי’ה. He explains it by introducing the idea of…
Class Sixty Four in Section Seven of The second idea
Lecture on אין קדוש כהוי’ה. ממלא כל עלמין and סובב כל עלמין are the equivalent of העלם וגילוי (as nouns “the THING of גילוי and the THING of העלם). This to are the same as טהרה and קדושה. Higher than אצילות is certainly קדושה; lower than אצילות is certainly טהרה. אצילות itself has a פנימיות…
Class Sixty Three in Section Seven of The second idea
רס”ו ע’ תרס”ב-ג Introduction to the second level of ירידה צורך עלי’ה. [The first was that the Neshama goes down into this world and is able to access its highest source (שרש ומקור)]. The second is that it can reach higher than its source: from טהרה to קדושה; from גרמוהי to חיוהי.
Class Sixty Two in Section Six of The first idea
רס”ו ע’ תרס”א-ב. Different aspects and ways a Neshama down here becomes a מהלך. A) The light of Torah reveals the בלי גבול in the Neshama. B) The adversity of the נפש הבהמית (either the בירור of it, or the mere conflict) is what propels the Neshama to access its בלי גבול and become a…
Class Sixty One in Section Six of The first idea
רס”ו ע’ תר”ס-ס”א. In קליפה there is conflict: too much אור would destroy. But in קדושה there is no conflict: a lower כלי in a higher world becomes the higher world. In other words: כלים that are אלקות when included in higher levels aren’t destroyed, because they are כלים for the אור, therefore they can…
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