Class Thirty in Section Four of Neshamos come
Neshamos are connected to Keilim (thought) (4). First חצובות תחת כסא הכבוד that is מחשבה which is already higher than דיבור. We discussed לבוש המיוחד ולבוש הנפרד. Second they have a source in בינה which is like כח המחשבה to be explained later.
Class Twenty Nine in Section Four of Neshamos come
Neshamos are connected to Keilim (thought) (3). Neshamos- Elokus SHena’aseh Nivra. Both a creation (limited) and G-dly (can break all limits).
Class Twenty Eight in Section Four of Neshamos come
Neshamos are connected to Keilim (thought) (2). מלאכים from speech, four points: 1) separated from he who speaks, 2) one letter at a time 3) limited air in each letter 4) פרסא disorderly letters. נשמות from מחשבה.
Class Twenty Seven in Section Four of Neshamos come
Neshamos are connected to Keilim (thought) (1). Tanya ch 35 the wick (Neshama) needs fuel to hold onto the Shechina, this is Torah and Mitzvos. Thus the Neshama is the Keli and not the fire, not-withstanding what is written in אגרת התשובה פרק ד.
Class Twenty Six in Section Three of Pintele Yid
Viatta Titzaveh 5752 (5). How can one reach the latter level of Pintele Yid- to want גילוי אלקות? ויקחו אליך by partnering with Moshe Rabbeinu in HIS work!!
Class Twenty Five in Section Three of Pintele Yid
Viatta Titzaveh 5752 (4). Yitzchok Rabin and the Rebbe: Jewish survival two factors: 1) Tradition, 2) Anti-Semitism. The message was that where there is no Antisemitism, we need more tradition. This is the point of the second level of Pintele Yid, it is not about a Goi.
Class Twenty Four in Section Three of Pintele Yid
Viatta Titzaveh 5752 (3). גילוי אלקות נוגע לעצם מציאותו cont. 1) One Ba’al Teshuva who reveals the highest light redeems the entire world. 2) The Alter Rebbe’s saying איך וויל מער נישט אז דיך אליין and the fact that we have heard of this gives us a connection to his (this) level as well.
Class Twenty Three in Section Three of Pintele Yid
Viatta Titzaveh 5752 (2). גילוי אלקות נוגע לעצם מציאותו a new idea of Pintele Yid altogether. We each need G-d revealed!!!
Class Twenty Two in Section Three of Pintele Yid
Viatta Titzaveh 5752 (1). The two levels of faith: 1) The subconscious sees G-dliness. 2) The essence is one with G-d. The difference in faith depends on where in the nefesh it comes from
Class Twenty One in Section Three of Pintele Yid
Tanya Perek 18-19 (3). The analogy of the candle returning to its source. A novel translation and meaning to the word “nature” טבע in Hebrew.
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