
Class Ten in Section Two of The Jew

Sicha Toldos 5752 (3). Just as Torah and Neshama are (relatively speaking) גילויים and עצם, similarly נשמה and גוף are also גילויים versus עצם. The Yid is higher than Torah down here which is all about the Guf!

Class Nine in Section Two of The Jew

Sicha Toldos 5752 (2). Yidden- Etzem. Iyov, the specialness of Yidden. 1) Love for Avrohom. 2) עם קשה עורף. Torah reveals Etzem, how?

Class Eight in Section Two of The Jew

Sicha Toldos 5752 (1). The Midrash. Yidden- Etzem ישראל וקב”ה כולא חד. תורה ומצות- reveal.

Class Seven in Section Two of The Jew

Ma’amar 5661 page 200-201 (2). Interface Neshamos and Torah.

Class Six in Section Two of The Jew

Ma’amar 5661 page 200-201 (1). Interface Neshamos and Torah.

Class Five in Section Two of The Jew

Three knots are tied together: Initially a Yid connects to Hashem through Torah but later Torah connects to Hashem through the Yid.

Class Four in Section Two of The Jew

The Neshama syllabus. Light and wisdom (Torah) vs. Children and the Chosen (Yidden).

Class Two. Missing. in Section One of The two pillars

Oil and Chassidus: 1) צף על כל משקין. 2) מפעפע בכולו 3) אינו נאכל לבד ונאכל עם כל מאכל.

Class One in Section One of The two pillars

Elokus is everything; everything is Elokus, this is the entire Chassidus. Like oil which is eaten with all foods, so too Chassidus is brought forward through all other levels of Torah.