Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5720 (07) – Sicha Eight (01)
12 Tamuz 5720, Sicha 8, Class Seven.Toras Menachem vol 28 page 215 ff.A N’shei Chabad Sicha. The importance of action and giving from oneself – for example tzedaka. An avoda of limitation is actually a positive kedusha aspect. We fulfill Hashem’s will by doing specific behavior – small steps that have to do with action. …
Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5720 (08) – Sicha Eight (02)
12 Tamuz 5720, Sicha 8, Class Eight.Summary: This sicha addresses the essential role of the Jewish woman in setting the tone and structure for her family in terms of practical application and long term dedication to living Torah and mitzvos in daily life.
Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5716 (08) – Ninth Sicha (02)
Class Eight. Page 352-3. Conclusion of Sicha to Neshei Chabad.
Toras Menachem – Shavuous 5716 (07) – Ninth Sicha (01)
Class Seven. Page 351-2 Women, Neshei Chabad, new time new ideas. The incredible power (for good and bad) of women.
Toras Menachem – Shavous 5719 to Neshei Chabad
(1) What is Neshei? and the responsibility it involves? Hashgacha Protis and how it gives meaning. (2) Leadership, action and inclusiveness.
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