
Thought for 28 Nissan 5774/2014

Beis Midrash Linashim thought, 1) It is really 27 Nissan and why this is important, 2) Not despair but revelation.

Rabi Omer 5744.

Rabi, who wrote the Mishna as a reaction to Golus teaches, that when one can choose he should choose Derech Havaya, order and not disorder, even if the disorder is infinite and the order is finite. The two examples of infinite are 1) Teshuva, but this involves sin, no one is allowed to sin (even)…

Moshe Kibel Torah 5744.

This Ma’amar explores the Torah Chadasha of Moshiach, two ideas: 1) The reason for Torah Chadasha is that if the world is new and the Yidden are new, then there must be a new Torah as well. 2) It can only happen through Moshiach, who is a Yid, a Neshama, who is higher than the…

Al Shlosha Dvarim Haolom Omed 5714.

Class One. The Tzimtzum stands on three things, in other words, it stands on the light which will eventually overturn it! Torah is Lima’ala Ma’ala ad ain ketz and Torah is Limata Mata ad ain tachlis.

Us’Fartem 5745 (Erev Shavuos)

This Erev Shavuos Ma’amar talks about the three steps of 1) Yetzias Mitzrayim, 2) Sefiras HaOmer, 3) Mattan Torah, and argues that in each of these three there was a Koach Elyon that allowed for this event to happen 1) Nigla Alaihem… 2) MiMuchras HaShabbos, the higher than hishtalshelus Koach for Sfira, 3) the ‘Tmimos’…

Usfartem 5744.

Class One. 1) Yetzias Mitzrayim, 2) Sefiras HaOmer and 3) Mattan Torah are compared to 1) Sur MeRa, 2) Asei Tov, 3) Bakeish Shalom. Class Two. 1) The connection between Shabbos and Sefiras HaOmer is understandable in this Ma’amar which makes Sefira into a positive thing: revealing Godliness into the World, Shabbos. 2) Yidden are…

וספרתם לכם התשי”א.

Class One. This class begins with the three opinions whether ספירת העומר nowadays is מדאורייתא or מדרבנן. The רבינו ירוחם distinguishes between the count of days which he considers Biblical and the count of weeks which he considers Rabbinic. The class explores how this could be by explaining that ספירת העומר is about the בירור…

Vihecherim 5749.

Acharon Shel Pesach.

Matza Zu 5749.


VeHeinif Yado 5748.

Acharon Shel Pesach.