45. Hashamayim Kisii 5738
Maamar HaShayim-Kisi-5738“Shamayim” (Heaven) is Hashem’s chair and the “Aretz” (Earth) is Hashem’s footstool. What does this mean? Heaven is like a chair which brings Him down to the worlds.Earth is like a footstool that raises the world up to Him.Spiritually this is Torah (heaven) and Yidden (earth).However each of the two are the (collective) purpose…
36. Moshe Kibel Torah MiSinai 5738
Moshe Kibel Torah MiSinai 5738, Class One.The idea of Torah being a gift from Hashem to us, so why does it say Moshe Kibel rather than Hakadosh Baruch Hu Nasan?Answer: because only Moshe could get the Torah.He is Chochma and can get and hold the Ohr and Sechel of Torah in its entirety.This is explained…
22. Mashcheini 5718
Mashcheini 5718, Class One.Second Ma’amar in the Hemshech. The last one explained the three steps in lower levels of the Neshama:1) משכני is יציאת מצרים arousing “only” the נפש האלוקית.2) אחריך נרוצה arousing the נפש הבהמית through involvement of the נפש האלוקית with her.3) הבאני המלך חדריו is מתן תורה where the two Neshamos join…
21. Lihavin Inyan S’firas HaOmer 5718
Lihavin Inyan S’firas HaOmer 5718, Class One.This (1st) class on this Ma’amar has a long introduction about the “point” of this Ma’amar, which is: משפיע ומקבל. This is represented by…1) The correction of both the נפש האלוקית and the נפש הבהמית (which are a model of משפיע ומקבל) in ספירת העומר.2) יציאת מצרים is mostly…
20. Kimei Tzeischa 5718
Kimei Tzeischa 5718, Class OneSecond Ma’amar in a Hemshech.The first one spoke (only) of Giluyim (3 levels of הוי’ה) this one adds and focuses on עצמות.The three הויות the מאמר speaks of bring together opposites with the כח of עצמות the גילויים are greatest after Moshiach comes, but the עצמות that brings together the opposites…
19. Vihecherim 5718 (Acharon Shel Pesach)
Vihecherim 5718, Class One.(In this Ma’amar) There are three levels of Havaya: 1) הוי’ דלתתא and 2) הוי’ דלעילא and הוי’ שבעצמות.This class will discuss the first two of the three “Havaya”s.A. Havaya דלתתא is the creation force and process which goes through the steps of Tzimtzum, understood by using the Moshol of a רב…
30. UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738 (Hemshech to Kimei Tziascha) a Rosh Chodesh Ma’amar.
UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738 (Hemshech to Kimei Tziascha) Class One.Introduction: What is Mussaf? above Histalshelus.The mention of יציאת מצרים even after Moshiach some is due to some unique property of the initial Geula: the struggle!This will be special even then. Why Yidden ran away and won’t run when Moshiach comes. UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738, Class Two.This class…
29. Kimei Tzaischa… Arenu Nuflaos 5738
Kimei Tzaischa… Arenu Nuflaos 5738, Class One.The Ma’amar is built around two definitions of אראנו נפלאותFirst Deffinition (Tzemach Tzedek) נפלאות- miracles concealed in nature; אראנו- are revealed.Second Definition (Mitteler Rebbe) נפלאות- the supernatural that dazzles and overwhelms and therefore isn’t understood or sustained with us is אראנו- revealed, where טבע holds למעלה מהטבע because when…
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