
Nitzovim- Vayelech – How many times is Moshe going to warn us? (5780/2020)

Parshas Nitzovim- Vayelech (5780/ 2020) How many times is Moshe going to warn us?This class presents and analyzes Moshe’s (i.e. the Torah’s) prophecy that is repeated SIX TIMES!!! and in hindsight has clearly been revealed in the painful and miraculous story of Jewish history.  The prophecy says in various ways between Parshios Vaeschanan, Nitzavim, Vayelech…

47. Atem Nitzavim 5738

Atem Nitzavim 5738 This Parsha is the Bracha that gives the strength to crown Hashem a King on Rosh Hashana. Yidden even before Rosh Hashana stand with strength and certainty, as Hashem uses us a Merkava and we are uniquely positioned to make Him King. The idea of the Bris is discussed here as well…

Nitzovim – Three Covenants (5779/2019)

Parshas Nitzovim Three covenants: 1) at Sinai, 2) At the border with Eretz Yisroel. 3) By the mountains Grizim and Aival. What were each of the three about? A covenant is a super-rational unbreakable bond. The covenant with Bnei Noach and the Jewish covenant. Moshiach in the Parsha.

38. Atem Nitzovim 5739 (2) (Muga discovered in the Rebbe’s room after 3 Tamuz)

38. אתם ניצבים ה’תשל”ט 2 היום is Rosh Hashana כלכם means that we are a unity of diverse (10) types and groups to achieve unity called אחד, which is less than יחיד. However, then there is the covenant לעברך בברית which is connected to the body, here we become יחיד and one with יחודו של…

37. אתם נצבים ה’תשל”ט 1 (Muga)

אתם נצבים ה’תשל”ט 1 This Ma’amar is about the כריתות ברית, the covenant between Hashem and Yidden. We had three covenants connected to Torah; this covenant (according to this Ma’amar) was for Torah SheBa’alPeh. To bring together the highest (רצון העליון) and the lowest (הלכה למעשה). This gives Koach for the three covenants of עולם…

Atem Nitzavim 5748.

The source of Yidden’s power to recrown Hashem as King (Lifnei Havaya).

Atem Nitzavim 5747.

Commentary on this Maamar in Likutei Torah. [klal vs. Pshitus].

Sos Asis BaHavaya 5746.

The Possuk Sos Asis puts the simcha of Sukkos before the Yirah of the Yamim Noraim, though it comes later chronologically, because the point of it all is the Simcah (revelation). Rosh Hashana is renewal and on sukkos it is revealed.

Atem Nitzuvim 5745.

Atem Nitzuvim means we are being helped to stand. The Koach comes simply from reading the Torah. However, we must also work to remember the covenant, through Malchiyos (Kabbalas Ol), Zichronos (remembering the Bris) and Shofros (action and Ta’anug).