Atem Nitzavim 5744.
Rosh Hashanah we go from the ‘prat’ (detail) to the ‘Klal’ (unity). Afterwards from the Klal, (the general) back to the details (Torah and Mitzvos) and when Moshiach comes we’ll go finally from the ‘prat’ (details) to the (ultimate) ‘klal’ (general inclusiveness).
שוש אשיש בהוי’ תשמ”ג
Three pesukim from the haftorah of the last shabbos of the year encompass all of time: שוש אשיש בהוי’ תגל נפשי באלוקי represents the Hidden Joy of Rosh Hashana and the revealed Joy of Sukkos. The Ma’amar explores why the Joy of Rosh Hashana is happy in spite of the awe- because we are crowning…
שוש אשיש ה’תשמ”ב.
All aspects of this Possuk are explained. Both joys are connected to Rosh Hashana. The basis for the discussion is the idea that on Rosh Hashana we bring something truly new down into the world.
אתם נצבים ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. There are three levels and ideas in אתם נצבים. 1) התחלקות 2) התכללות 3) התאחדות Class Two. The three levels of אחדות ישראל are linked to: 1) the three names of Yidden: יעקב, ישראל, ישרון. 2) The three blessings of Rosh Hashana Davening: מלכיות, זכרונות, שופרות. 3) The interpretations of אתם נצבים discussed…
Atem Nitzavim 5711.
Atem Nitzavim includes the unity of all Jews as one and also the spelling out of the ten types of Jews. This means that the Rosh Hashana blessing has two aspects: a unifying one and one that addresses the individual groups. This Maamar explores these ideas. The unity of Jews is also internalized and is…
Nitzavim 30:11 – Ki Hamitzva… To What Mitzva is this (STAM MITZVA) Referring? (5767)
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