
359 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Hikavtzu ViShimu – Class 09

The second level that is Kodesh is Chochma. This shiur explains why Chochma is part of Ein sof and not Atzilus, by quoting a small section of the Ayin beis on the two types of Ain Zulusecha: Keser and Chochma. Page 506-7, NEW SV p. 666-8. Note: this class can really be listened to as…

357 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Hikavtzu ViShimu – Class 07

Only Kodesh is truly Ohr, while Kadosh (notwithstanding the idea of Ain kadosh KaHavaya) is still considered Garmohi. The discussion explores the three levels of Ohr and argues that [the highest isn’t yet sefiros at all and] the lowest level is Garmohi and only the middle one is Ohr and Kodesh. Page 503 ff. NEW…

356 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Hikavtzu ViShimu – Class 06

Levels of Ohr Ein Sof cont. The various Ein Sofs descend and become more and more divided in themselves to allow for real revelation to another. Four levels of Ein Sof and a mashal (somewhat) for them. Page 503 ff. NEW SV p. 663 ff.

355 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Hikavtzu ViShimu – Class 05

Ohr Ein Sof has levels that relate to different worlds etc.. Two Mishalim, 1) From physical light, 2) From levels of Taanug- Taanug HaMurkav and Taanug HaPashut. Page 503 ff. NEW SV p. 663 ff.