
18b. Vayedaber Elokim (וידבר גו’ אנוכי) 5713 – Class Two

Vayedaber Elokim 5713, Class Two.There are three parallel things: 1) world, 2) person (“man”) 3) TorahIn each of these three there are four levels: דומם צומח חי מדבר.We explained how this is in “עולם” and how it is in the person, We had a very long discussion about the idea of דיבור.The essence of the…

319 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bisha’a SheHikdimu – Class 04

Page 489 ff. NEW SV p. 592 ff. 1) Atzilus is only Koach Hagiluy, as all of Atzilus is Elokus and one. 2) Malchus was always for giluy even in Atzmus (Ain Melech blo Am). 3) Osiyos: three levels [EMeSh, 7 K’fulos, 12 P’shutos] and what they mean. 4) Malachim from Chitzoniyus and therefore so…