Sicha Beis Rabbeinu ShebiBavel (Beis Midrash Linashim 5775/ 2015) (02)
Class Two. This class addresses the relationship between Bais Rabbainu ShebiBavel as a concept and 770. He discusses the idea of the last frontier being in the farthest place from Eretz Yisroel, and once we elevate even the sparks there Moshiach comes, beginning in and from the Beis Rabbeinu. Page 471-5.
Sicha Beis Rabbeinu ShebiBavel (Beis Midrash Linashim 5775/ 2015) (01)
Sefer HaSichos 5752 vol. 2 page 465 ff. a two part overview (semi-text based) on this remarkable Sicha. Class One. A) Two levels: every shul is a מקדש מעט, but there is one that represents the Beis Hamikdash ממש which is called בית רבינו שבבל. B) This shul is special as it is the place…
Overview of Vaata Tetzaveh (Version One).
This is an overview of the ma’amar V’Ata Tetzaveh given by the Lubavitcher Rebbe.¹ A key focus of the ma’amar is the role of a Rebbe and specifically the relationship between a Rebbe and Chassidim in our generation. The original pasuk (line) in the parsha Tetzaveh is “Ve’atah tetsaveh et-beney Yisra’el veyikchu eleycha shemen zayit…
Sefer HaSichos – Shoftim 5751 (overview)
Review of the Sicha of Shoftim 5751. Nevua (according to the RaMbaM) is not (and cannot be) limited to Eretz Yisroel or to any time frame, as it is one of the Ikrim of Emuna of what a human being can achieve, and Hashem won’t interfere with the human being’s potential. In other words, Nevua…
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