כי תשא (שקלים) ה’תשמ”א.
כי תשא means raising Yidden up in Teshuva, lifting in a way that is infinitely higher than before (even above the head). It must be done through Moshe. תרומה להי’ה means lifting from the bottom up, Teshuva, תרומת הוי’ה is bringing the infinity of the בעל תשובה into the finitude of the צדיק because he…
כי תשא ה’תשי”ז א
There are two half Shekels: 1) The half that man gives: on the one hand everyone gives the same ten: the עשר כחות הנפש; on the other, there are a rich 10 (Atzilus) and a poor 10 (Asiya). 2) The divine 10 which are always the same. They follow the person’s 10 in regular people…
כי תשא התשט”ז. This is a Shkalim Ma’amar.
Class One. This class is about Dira BiTachtonim, 1) as the lowest world (the last to be created) it stands to be the purpose quite logically. 2) The higher worlds, though after the Tzimtzum, are A. have more light, B. Are created based on the return of the light, C. indirectly reveal the Etzem from…
Ze Yitnu 5715, a Shkalim Ma’amar.
Class One. A meeting of Neshama and Guf must happen. The question is how compromised will the neshama become by the Guf. Four worlds, four degrees of compromise. Class Two. The four levels (the conclusion): Atzilus is like Oros and Kailim, Neshama and Guf (the body itself is alive). Briah is like Livush HaMiyuchad, thought,…
Ki Tisa Es Rosh 5713 (a Shekalim maamar)..
Rosh means: 1) The Shechina 2) The highest levels of the Neshsma, This is explained in the context of three examples: 1) HaChacham Ainav biRosho (Roe’ Es HaNolad). 2) ViGula Al Rosha (Geula because the Shechina (which was in Galus with us) departs from Galus or the Neshama that though in Golus has Pintele that…
Ki Tisa 5711. (A Shkalim Ma’amar).
Class One. Emuna is discussed in this class. The Ma’amar explains that a Goy has Emuna only on the level of Mimalei Kol Almin. He explains that even on this level there is a difference between Knowledge and Emuna. By Yidden there are three levels of Emuna: 1) From Mimalei, (here also the Yid’s Emuna…
Ze Yitnu 5748.
This maamar was recited on the Shabbos of the Rebbetzin’s shiva.It deals with the idea of Machatzis hashekel and also “Techiyas Hameisim”. Class One. Class two.
Ki Sisa 5747.
The half Shekel is a uniform gift given by every Jew emphatically in an increment of a half.
Ki Sisa 5746.
Machatzis Hashekel is a Klalis (all important) idea in Torah, as it is “Lichaper Al Nafshoseichem” (to atone on the Soul). It is different than Teshuva because Teshuva is the complete breaking down of the person, while Machatzis HaShekel and the Aron haKodesh (Torah) are only halving oneself. The idea is not to be broken…
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