Vayishlach 36:02-03 The names of Aisav’s wives
Vayishlach 36:02-03 The names of Aisav’s wives Aisav may have had four or even five wives (se RaMbaN here) but we’ll assume what RaShI says that there were only three, but each had two names, and one even had a father with a changed name.יהודית בת בארי is אהליבמה בת ענה בת צבעוןYehudis mean submission…
End of Vayishlach – 43 Pesukim dedicated to Aisav, his family, and their future: Edom, Seiir, (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020)
End of Vayishlach: 43 Pesukim dedicated to Aisav, his family, and their future: Edom, Seiir, (Yeshiva 5781/ 2020).The Torah tells Torah’s version of history that ends with Moshiach (and is not an endless cycle, though it so often appears so.) The history in the Chumash reflects this and it is in this spirit that so…
Vayishlach – Overview- After he finished with Aisav… (5780 Yeshiva)
Vayishlach (5780 Yeshiva) After he finished with Aisav…This class given at the Yeshiva, discusses various points in the Parsha. It includes the story of Binyomin and his challenges, the story of Shimon and Levi (listening to your father), and why the people of Shechem were all guilty and deserving of the punishment they got.
Vayishlach 32:29 – Eisav’s Malach Blesses Yaakov (5773/2012).
The Malach of Aisav is not allowed to leave until he blesses Yaakov.. He anticipates that Hashem will (in the future) change his name to Yisroel. He also gives him a Bracha. Rashi, Chizkuni, RaDaK, Rabbeinu Bechayey, RaLbaG, Alshich , Chasam Sofer, Maamar (Alter Rebbe). Why Yaakov must keep both names and not give up…
Vayishlach 32:14 – The Mincha Yaakov sent Eisav (5771)
Yaakov slept. Then arose and took what came to his hand and sent it to Eisav as a Mincha (offering). Why did he sleep? What does come to hand mean? Why is it called a Mincha. This class has Chizkuni, Rashi, Ramban, Radak, Abarbanel, Rabeinu Bachaya, Alshich, Maase Hashem, Toras Yonason (Aibeshits), Rikanti, Chassidus (Likutei…
Vayishlach 32:04 – The Whole Story
VAYISHLACH 2008 – YAAKOV MEETS EISAVThe SHELA and the Alter Rebbe both explain the meeting between Yaakov and Eisav on a mystical level (also). This class attempts to reveal the brilliance of these two commentaries in the entire story.
Vayishlach 32:04 & 32:25 – MALACHIM
(What are Angels? Who did Yaakov send to Eisav? with whom did Yaakov wrestle?). VAYISHLACH 2005 – WHAT ARE ANGELS?
Vayishlach – Beginner Class (1999)
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