Miketz 44:17 – “Go up to your father’s house in peace” – a Hint to the Ten Martyrs (Rabbeinu Bechayey)
44-17 Miketz: Go up to your father’s house in peace, a hint to the ten Martyrs.The Rabbeinu Bechayey interprets the ten mentions of the word אנשים (men) rather than בני יעקב or אחי יוסף as an allusion to something ‘other’, and he says that it is referring to the ten Martyrs.This class explores the idea…
Miketz – Beginners Class – Connection to Chanuka (1999)
A story about a famous Chasid, comments on the story of Yosef HaTzadik and Chanuka as well. An enjoyable shiur.
Miketz 41:01 – Dreams (2005)
This class goes into detail regarding the difference between dreams of no substance and those with prophetic content. Sources include Rambam, R. Bachaye, sichos and more.
Miketz 41:01 – A Beginning or An End? (2006)
Deep insight into the word “Miketz”. Sources include: Rashi, Eben Ezra, Alshich, a sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe (a technical rashi sicha), Rabbenu Bechaye, Tzemach Tzedek, and more.
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