
Vayigash 46:29 – Yosef greets Ya’akov and Ya’akov is saying Shma (Achei Temimim 5722/ 2021)

Vayigash 46:29 Yosef greets Ya’akov and Ya’akov is saying Shma (Achei Temimim 5722/ 2021)Yosef greets his father very emotionally and Ya’akov doesn’t respond (overtly).1) The RaMbaN argues that Yaakov showed emotion and not Yosef.2) Rashi: Ya’akov was saying Shma.Explanation: at highest moments, remember HIM.3) Midrash: perhaps he wasn’t so big a Tzadik after all4) The…

Vayigash 46:08 – Rebbeinu Bechaye: All Three Avos (and all Tzadikim) are called Yisroel.

Vayigash 46:08 Rebbeinu Bechaye; All three Avos (and all Tzadikim) are called Yisroel.All three Avos are called Yisroel, as this is the generic name of the great Tzadikim: כי שרית עם אלוקים ועם אנשים ותוכל mastery of man and Elokim.Yisroel is the abbreviation יש ששים ריבוי אותיות לתורה we each have a letter in the…

Vayigash – Two Points Yeshiva (5780/2020)

Yeshiva (5780/ 2020)1) The Aliya of Shlishi about Yosef HATzadik being alive and Yaakov Avinu regaining his Ruach Hakodesh fell on Tuesday 5 [Chamisha Bi]Teves in 5747.It couldn’t be more precise2) Yosef’s paying back good for bad and being a מעביר על מדותיו are the ultimate lessons.

Vayigash 47:14 – Yosef collected all the wealth in Egypt (2005)

VAYIGASH 2005 – COLLECTING SPARKSWhy does the Torah record Yosef’s gathering of wealth in detail? Sources include: Classic commentaries as well as a maamar from the Alter Rebbe (from the Torah Ohr), a maamar from the Mittler Rebbe (from Toras Chaim on Vayechi – “Ben Poras Yosef”).

Vayigash 45:01 – Vlo Yachol Yosef… (5773/2012)

Yosef couldn’t keep the facade (secret) going anymore… Yosef cannot continue the play with his brothers and he orders everybody out so he can reveal himself to them. What is the reason for this loss of ability to hide, what had changed? Why do all the people have to leave? and why is it repeated…

Vayigash 44:18 – First Passuk of the Parsha (2006)

VAYIGASH 2006 – YEHUDA AND YOSEF CLASSESA discussion of the word “vayigash” in our continuing series on the first line of each parsha. Sources include: Reb. Bechaye, Kli Yakar, Ohr HaChayim, Abarbanel, Alshich, Etz Hadaas Tov, and Chassidus.