Teruma 25:23 – The SHULCHAN (02b)
Class Two (part 2). This part includes the Chassidus on the Shulchan: Derech mitzvosecha, Maamar (5665).
06. Mishpatim 21:01f – The Order of the Parsha: An Attempt at Explaining the Sequence of the Halachos (06)
06. Mishpatim 21-01f. the order of the Parsha, an attempt at explaining the sequence of the Halachos, Class Six.We revisited last week’s discussion about ownership: it’s not enough that it is not someone else’s, you need to make it your own (etc.).We developed the four ideas as four successive levels from less to more severe…
05. Mishpatim 21:01e – The Order of the Parsha: An Attempt at Explaining the Sequence of the Halachos (05)
05. Mishpatim 21-01e. the order of the Parsha, an attempt at explaining the sequence of the Halachos, Class Five.Continued from the pervious classes: we discussed financial involvements between people who are members of the society, that are given the benefit of the doubt, and those who steal who have removed themselves from society.We now discuss…
04. Mishpatim 21:01d – The Order of the Parsha: An Attempt at Explaining the Sequence of the Halachos (04)
04. Mishpatim 21-01d. the order of the Parsha, an attempt at explaining the sequence of the Halachos, Class Four.The series continues; the last thing we discussed was a person damaging an other person’s property. We discussed two levels A. (more severe) where one places himself outside the community, by stealing etc. and B. (less severe)…
03. Mishpatim 21:01c – The Order of the Parsha: An Attempt at Explaining the Sequence of the Halachos (03)
03. Mishpatim 21-01c. the order of the Parsha, an attempt at explaining the sequence of the Halachos, Class Three.This third class on Parshas Mishpatim and the attempt to explain the continuity, began with a quick review.After that we introduce an attitudinal discussion in the obligations of one person to another in society: Most people are…
02. Mishpatim 21:01b – The Order of the Parsha: An Attempt at Explaining the Sequence of the Halachos (02)
02. Mishpatim 21-01b. the order of the Parsha, an attempt at explaining the sequence of the Halachos, Class Two.This class begins with a brief review of what we discussed until now.We added more insight to the idea of כי כספו הוא introducing the radical suggestion that this means the financial portion of the חלק האיסור…
01. Mishpatim 21:01a – The Order of the Parsha: An Attempt at Explaining the Sequence of the Halachos (01)
01. Mishpatim 21-01a. the order of the Parsha, an attempt at explaining the sequence of the Halachos, Class One.1) The Parsha begins with words for Moshe Rabbeinu alone. It is left to him to raise the ordinary Yid (Eved, Amah) up to Elokus.The two steps of being raised in BiY”A and perhaps even be raised…
Mishpatim – Everything in the Life of the Yid is holy (Yeshiva 5780)
Mishpatim, everything in the life of the Yid is holy (Yeshiva 5780).The leap from the event at Sinai to the most parochial laws in Torah seems disorderly and disproportionate. But there is a good reason for this: it underscores that everything for Jews is from Sinai.Modern day examples: The אגודת ישראל and the “State” of…
Mishpatim 24:10 – Vayiru Es Elokei Yisroel….
The Yidden at Har Sinai “saw” G-D(liness). What does this mean? What do the philosophers say about this (and similar) question(s); and what do the mystics say. A deep and insightful class that includes Rasag, Rashi, Rambam (and reb Avrohom ben haRambam), and a Maamar (5719).
Mishpatim 23:25 – Vavadetem es Hashem…
The idea of serving Hashem- are we actually doing anything for Him? Or is it all for us. This Possuk is the catalyst for a very important mystical (Kabbalistic) innovation regarding man’s ability (by divine decree) to “touch” G-Dliness.
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