
Titzave 28:02 – The Kohen’s clothes were “Lkovd ulSifares” (beautiful)(5768)(02)

Several different allusions are made to the beauty of these clothes. What do they mean? Class Two.

Titzave 28:39 – The Ksones Tashbetz

28-39. The Ksones Tashbetz.The decorative shirt worn by all Kohanim.I’m including my notes and a copy of the כלי יקר and the ספר הליקוטים.1) The layers of clothing as defined by a girdle (Gartel); ordinary Kohanim had one and the Kohein Gadol had two. 2) Usually clothing cover but sometimes they present and reveal (as…

Tetzaveh- the Miluim: the Chinuch of the Mishkan (Yeshiva 5780)

Tetzaveh- the Miluim, the Chinuch of the Mishkan (Yeshiva 5780)1) Moshe’s name is missing (only) from this Parsha, 7 Adar.2) Miluim, the idea of Chinuch, superficial and noisy, but very important and from some points of view it is the highest idea,

Titzave 28:39 – The Avnait (Belt) (5773/2013)

The Avnet, Gartel. The opinions regarding what the Kohein Hediot’s gartel was made of. Some drush (Alshich and Kli Yakar). The Rebbe’s Sicha, the gartel was preparatory and as such was higher than the other garments.

Titzave 28:36 – The Tzitz (5769)

The headplate worn by the Kohen Godol.

Titzave 28:31 – The Meil (5770)

The tunic of pure blue worn only by the Kohen Godol.

Titzave 28:30 – The Urim vTumim (5766)

The miraculous quality the Kohen Godol’s breastplate had was attached to the gold plate that had engraved on it the name of Hashem. How did this work and what does this mean?This class provides a fascinating look into vastly different interpretations of the Urim V’Tumim.¹ Sources include: Rashi, Even Ezra, Ramban, Ralbag, Arizal, and the…

Titzave 28:06 – The Aifod (5771/ 2071)

The apron that was behind the Kohein Godol fastened to the Choshen (breastplate) was more than a fastener. Does the Aifod have something about itself independent from the Choshen? find out! This class includes a Midrash, Rikanti, Yonos (Aibeshitz), Chasam Sofer, The Tzemach Tzedek, chizkuni and a Sicha (vol. 31).

Tetzave – Beginners Class – The Glorious and Beautiful Clothing of the Kohanim

The Glorious and Beautiful Clothing of the Kohanim. Mayaan Chai Series on Parshas Tetzaveh (5759/ 1999)